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Lukas Manufacturing and Trading Company 
私营企业 (Private Enterprise)

Lukas 0

69, Prykhodka Str.
Kremenchuk (克列缅丘格)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 67 270-04-49
Dikhtiar Stanislav, Manager of Foreign Trade Department

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1806 巧克力及其他含可可的食品

1905 面包、糕点、饼干及其他烘焙糕饼,不论是否含可可;圣餐饼、装药空囊、封缄、糯米纸及类似制品


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Lukas Manufacturing and Trading Company is modern dynamically developing company, a leading manufacturer of puff products, which is among the best confectionery enterprises in Ukraine. The product range includes more than 100 items, among them are the products of a puff, shortcrust pastry, candy and cakes. Capacity of the Company is to 2,5 thousand tons of production a month.

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Lukas has two own production sites with a total area of about 17 hectares, modern warehouses with automatic temperature control, own transport and logistics company L-trans, independent Bureau of declaration for customs cargo and goods, Lukas brand stores.

More than 1 000 people work at the Company. Sales of production in the territory of Ukraine carry out its own exclusive teams. We export to a lot of foreign countries: Transnistria, Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Baltic States, Denmark, the USA, etc.

The developed infrastructure, advanced technologies, the professional confectionery equipment from the world-famous companies, own development and high qualification of experts are components of TM LUKAS success!

Our mission
We are called to bring joy and fun, producing high-quality confectionery.

We are called to contribute to the development of our partners, providing high-quality products, training and consulting.

Our principles are:
• Honesty.
• Decency.
• Mutual trust.
• Responsibility.
• Sequence.
• Consistency.

We are working in order to maximize the meet the needs of consumers in the quality and safety of health confectionery products based on natural ingredients.

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Exclusive lines of flour puff products production of RONDO firm are developed and created especially for Lukas company. RONDO - the recognized world leader in the field of production of the baking and confectionery equipment. Lukas company is the exclusive partner of RONDO in the territory of Ukraine. The general capacity of lines - to 40 tons of production per day.

Uniqueness of these lines is in their multifunctionality - possibilities of manufacturing of various texture, form, size and design. Thanks to this high-quality equipment, products which have no analogs in Ukraine were successfully brought to the market.

The enterprise has a bulk storage of flour (with automatic feeding and dosing), syrup and condensed milk.

It is set up its own production of confectionery glazes, dessert toppings and fillings on the basis of natural fruit.

Each workshop is equipped with special metal detectors. This guarantees the safety of the Lukas finished product.

All confectionery products of TM Lukas are made from high-quality raw materials, generally Ukrainian production.