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"Gаrant Group" Ltd.

Gagro logo

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Gаrant Group"
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
19, Kharkivske highway
Kyiv, (基辅)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 68 133 81 19
Alex Azarov
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

0409> 天然蜂蜜

1001> 小麦及混合麦

1003> 大麦

1005> 玉米

1101> 小麦或混合麦的细粉

1206> 葵花子,不论是否破碎

1512> 葵花油、红花油或棉子油及其分离品,不论是否精制,但未经化学改性

1701> 固体甘蔗糖、甜菜糖及化学纯蔗糖

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Garant Group LTD is a trading company located in Kiev, Ukraine. In 2010 we started to ship Ukrainian origin food products for export.

Main product groups are as follows: wheat flour, sunflower oil, corn oil, sugar, dry milk powder, honey, wheat bran, chicken meat, eggs, grains (sunflower seeds, wheat, corn, and barley).

Main advantages of our company:​

Positive experience of export operations during long period of time allowed us to find a network of Ukrainian producers and develop a long term partner relations with most of them. It gives us an opportunity to have exclusive offers in terms of price and quality.

One of the key advantages of our company is 9 years of experience in provision of transport services and development of optimal logistic solutions for our clients using our own transports means and storage facilities. We are well aware of all delicate details of logistic processes, playing a key role in successful performance of export operations, especially in food products sector. We developed many internal rules and instructions improving quality of storage and transportation of goods. Availability of storage facilities equipped with the railway lines allows us to minimize transportation and handling costs and is extremely important for provision of  continuous uninterrupted process of dispatch of planned cargoes to the customers.

All delivered goods are sampled and analyzed by international independent laboratories and the representatives of our company are present during dispatch of all consignments from the producer’s yard controlling accuracy of sampling and loading processes.

All the above advantages allow us to make top class export shipments of highest quality products minimizing costs and risks related to the mentality and local features of Ukrainian business practice.

Our main goal is to develop partner relations with every client for long term mutually advantageous cooperation.