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"Carpathian Ceramics" Ltd.

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公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Carpathian Ceramics"
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
81 B.Khmelnytskoho str.
Kalush (卡卢什)
Ivano-Frankivsk region (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克地区)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 3472 7 00 61

+380 3472 7 00 58
Ivan Petriv - Director 

Oleksandr Bilous
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

6907 未上釉的陶瓷贴面砖、铺面砖,包括炉面砖及墙面砖;未上釉的陶瓷镶嵌砖(马赛克)及类似品,不论是否有衬背

Ceramic tile and decorating elements

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Limited Liability “Karpatska Ceramics “, fonded July 12, 2002. The main product of the production are: Glazed ceramic tiles for internal walls ISO stantards size 200×250mm, 250×333mm, 250×250mm, 250×400mm, 200×500mm and 300x300mm.

During its plant “Karpatska Ceramics“ changed not only externally but also managed to achieve considerable performance in the finished production. This indicates not only that, LLP “Karpatska Ceramics”, belongs to the best manufacturers of ceramic tiles in Ukraine, but the extent of its implementation and competitiveness.

In modern Italian equipment for the Spanish technology of imported and domestic raw materials, ceramic tiles are made different in style and designer for the decision. Today, designers of the plant developed more 100 kinds of ceramic tile that meets most demanding requirements. Ceramic tiles for walls and floors and decorative borders (strips, decors, mozaic) meet all current ISO standarts.

Future production plans to expand and diversify the range of ceramics: own biscuit production, manufacturing floor tiles. This will enable to increase and diversify production, reduce production costs and provide jobs.

Speaking of the production process of ceramic glazed tiles for internal walls, we should note that the tiles are made of Italian equipment for the Spanish technology of imported and domestic raw materials.

The main raw material for manufacturing ceramic tiles are biscuits (crock), who comes from Poland. Manufacturer of biscuit is firm “Cotto Petrus Sp.z.o.o.”.

Glaze, which is applied to the surface of the biscuit is made with frit, which comes from Spain.

In 2003, the company also started cooperation with the Polish company “Medium”, which became our supplier not only raw materials but also of glue to fix the picture on the tile and polyglycols for manufacturing ceramic paste.
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The process consists of the following main stages:
- reception, storage and transfer of primary production, primary and secondary materials;
- slipware cooking and glaze – grinding frit, kaolin, pigments, chemical thinners in ball mills of periodic action with obtaining water suspension with the appropriate density and degree of milling;
- supply biscuits with wooden pallets over-dosing device for coating line – conveyor belts;
- cleaning the surface of biscuit dust;
- biscuit wetting and applying a thin layer Slipware by doubledisc spray booths;
- applying a layer of glaze with glazing bell;
- sweep side of tile glaze;
- decorating tiles – printing ceramic paste through sieveprint;
- firing of tiles in a roller oven at a temperature of 1020-10600 C for 30-40 min;
- sort scorched tiles line sorting, equipped with roller conveyor, the quality and packing in cardboard boxes;
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