History of the Law Company LEXEL is a way of its establishment and professionalism, which level increases with every resolved task. We have come a long way of development through hundreds of different projects and continue to walk thereon by finding and offering our Clients new solutions, new products and new technologies. Law Company OL&RUST was established in December 1999 as a private Ukrainian law firm, which has created and developed many successful areas of its business.
The result is a concentration of intellectual, technological and organizational resources and offers of a legal product that satisfies the need of the most demanding Client. All the time the Company has developed its undeniable competitive advantage – implementation of a system of local procedures and standards allowing to provide services of the highest quality and in the optimal time. From the January 2014 the Law Company has changed its name to Law Company LEXEL.
Law Company LEXEL is a part of the Corporative Consulting Group OL.CONSULTING, which unites in addition to the legal practice, the audit (Audit Company OLGA Audit), training services (Corporate Training Company – CTC) and information technologies (the company – E-Technology). The staff of LEXEL is over 20 qualified lawyers, including 5 attorneys.
These days it is hard to imagine establishment and development of a business without professional legal protection. Modern legal system of Ukraine has a complicated structure that is undergoing constant changes. Attorneys and lawyers of our company fluent in legal theory and successfully apply their knowledge in practice in the framework of support of numerous lawsuits. Detailed analysis of even the most difficult situations always allows us to find acceptable ways to solve them. Dynamic creative activity has enriched employees of Law Company LEXEL with unique and innovative experience and has allowed relying on Western standards to develop a range of technologies that are “know-how” of the Law Company and allow devising correct solution of any problem with the greatest quality.
Responsible attitude and individual approach provide the highest and the best result. As of today we have successfully completed lawsuits in the field of a corporate right, joint-stock companies, foreign economic activity, taxation, intellectual property, bankruptcy, international trade and other cases involving Ukrainian and foreign companies.
Policy of our Company is based on the principles of competence, customer-oriented approach, objectivity and strict confidentiality of contractual legal relations of our partners and clients. We focus not a momentary benefits, but on a promising cooperation.

Roman KHRUSTENKO Managing Partner
Roman Khrustenko – advocate, managing Partner of LEXEL Law Firm - leads the general management of the legal practice and fulfills the strategic planning of development of the Company. The professional specializations of Roman Khrustenko are civil, economy, tax and corporate law, privatisation and banking legislation, election legislation. Mr.Khrustenko is member of the Ukrainian Advocates’ Association. Both legal education (Kyiv Shevchenko University, Faculty of Law) and economic education (Kyiv Trade-Economic University, Faculty of Bookkeeping and Audit) allow Mr.Khrustenko to see the problems which demand a symbiosis of special knowledge.
Being a practicing lawyer Roman Khrustenko is a participant of numerous judicial proceedings which are connected with protection of interests of the Clients of the firm he is also author of numerous publications in mass-media concerning actual problems of human rights practice. Advocate Khrustenko acted as a representative of Mr.Oleksandr Omelchenko in the case about challenging of elections results of the Kiev mayor in 2006.

Іryna TATURA Partner
Іryna Tatura – advocate, Partner of the LEXEL Law Firm - specializes in the sphere of civil and economic law, coordinates such directions of the Company’s activity as services in the foreign economic activity, investing, tax law, insurance, advertising, election legislation, legislation on protection of the consumers’ rights. Graduated from the Kyiv Shevchenko University, Faculty of Law.
LEXEL Law Firm is guided by its fundamental principles. They let the Client expect the certain service level and receive the exact result that meets his expectations.
Among theese principles of the firm are the following: Competence Systematism Objectivity Independence Freedom of Choice Focusing on the Client Property Restrictions Privacy Conflict of Interests Pricing
Compliance with the Principles allows the firm to achieve the main goal - providing the highest class services in the shortest terms. For the effective achieving this goal serve the standards developed in compliance with the Principles and implemented in the firm. The standards allow the consultants the complete and comprehensive solving of the Client’s problem. In addition, the standardization of certain procedures allows the management to identify the problem points in the service process and to eliminate them effectively.
Competence Unimpeachable professionalism of our staff, high level of their legal culture and knowledge in law encourage our business and promote its success.
Systematism Depth of the analysis of the Client’s documents can play a full picture of the situation and options for their further development. Regardless of the Client’s order, by the planning of an economic transaction, the consultant considers in particular the tax consequences of such operation. The specialists use the comprehensive approach to solving the problem, stimulating the Principal to see all the advantages and disadvantages of the situation and build on its basis the optimal solution.
Objectivity The basis of any advice of the firm is a comprehensive professional’s view on the real status of the Client’s affairs and the offer of several solving variations. Such information assists the Client in acceptance of true and proved managerial decision.
Independence The company tries to avoid in its the compromises which would have affected the level of its independence to please the court, other government authorities, third parties or the Client if such compromises have nothing to do with legitimate interests of the Client and impede the proper providing him the legal support. No one of the Clients can possess the specific weight in the income of the Company more than 20%.
Freedom of Choice The company respects the right of a Client to be represented by a consultant at the Client’s free choice. Except for the cases stipulated by the law or by the professional rules the Company decides in its own discretion to accept the order or to reject it.
Client Orientation We seek close cooperation with our Client feeling ourselves his team players. Our striving to meet his actual and potential needs and our responsibility for the results of our work transform our Client's success into ours. The Client has a right, and the firm undertakes to provide the Client on his request a detailed report about works performed and effective time.
Property Restrictions The Company is obliged to take a faithful care of any property of the Client or a third person which is under the Company’s control and to keep such property separately from its own.
Confidentiality Our work is based on a strict observance of the professional ethic norms and loyalty to partner's obligations. Our cooperation with a Client is based on mutual confidence and respect supported by confidentiality of the information provided.
Conflict of Interests The firm has no right to take an order for the legal assistance in cases where the Company provides or previously provided the legal assistance to persons whose interests contradict the interests of the person requested for the legal assistance.
Pricing The pricing is based on consideration of the following factors: cost price of the services; skill level of the consultant; essence of the issue, which requires the assistance; due date of the service
LEXEL Law Firm uses the following pricing methods: hourly pay; fixed payment for the certain services; support service, fixed price that is paid by the Client for a certain service period of within a certain time; premium bonus, the payment paid as a percentage of the effect achieved.