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"Ivano-Frankivsk locomotive repair plant" JSC

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公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Ivano-Frankivsk locomotive repair plant
封闭型股份公司 (Private joint stock company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
22 Zaliznychna St.
Ivano-Frankivsk (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 3422 2 53 70 
+380 3422 4 33 35
+380 342 55 95 84
Yaroslav Leniv - Chairman of the Board
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

8483 传动轴(包括凸轮轴及曲柄轴)及曲柄;轴承座及滑动轴承;齿轮及齿轮传动装置;滚珠或滚子螺杆传动装置;齿轮箱及其他变速装置,包括扭矩变换器;飞轮及滑轮,包括滑轮组;离合器及联轴器(包括万向节)

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Ivano-Frankivsk Locomotive Repair Plant is one of the oldest enterprises in Precarpathian region. It was founded in Satnislav (currently Ivano-Frankivsk) in 1866 in the capacity of the main machine workshops of the Lviv-Chernivtsi railway, where trains started their regular running on 1 September 1866. In 1870 the enterprise was the biggest in Galychyna, and in 1912 there were working 1000 people. Since that time, the plant has gone through all stages of technical development – starting with cartage and transmission and ending with up-to-date machinery.

In 1977 the plant was newly born: that year there was repaired the first diesel locomotive with hydraulic transmission, and in 1979 – the last steam locomotive. Because of the switch to repairing diesel locomotives, there were reconstructed all the workshops and departments, without delays in manufacturing process.

Using and developing technical resources, the plant has started a number of new directions in manufacturing spare parts and repairing the rolling stock.

Currently, the plant has well-established contacts with Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Estonia.

As a result of its activity, the plant has been awarded numerous diplomas and awards at international and All-Ukrainian exhibitions and shows.

IF LRP deals with repairs, modernization of the railway transport rolling stock and manufacturing spare parts.

We aim at offering high-quality goods and repairs that meet Ukrainian and international standards.

Our work is mainly concentrated on manufacturing modern cargo railway cars AMB, that substitute for used and outdated railway trolleys.

In cooperation with research centers, the plant has developed a number of new technologies and designs.

The high achievements and changes, made by the staff in the last four years, resulted in manufacturing a number of new items necessary for the functioning of railways and enterprises of different industries, that use the rolling stock.

The successful operation of the plant has become possible due to following the flawless marketing policy under the guidance of the current board of directors and its head Leniv Yaroslav Grigorovich.

Now it can be stated for sure that Ivano-Frankivsk Locomotive Repair Plant is a prosperous and promising enterprise, which is proved by the fact that in the last years of its operation there has grown a demand for its goods and services.

Currently, there are being conducted negotiations with companies from neighboring countries on supplying large consignments of goods to their industrial markets, which means that in the near future the geography of the IF LRP sales will considerably broaden.

Next year it’s planned to increase the output by 30%, which proves that the goods of the plant have a great demand in the markets of Ukraine and the CIS, and meet modern quality standards.

The plant was awarded the following diplomas:
At the All-Ukrainian competition “The Best Domestic Product of the Year” awarded diplomas company.
For the best home production of the year in the nomination “Mechanical Engineering”
For the best home production of the year in the nomination “Mechanical Engineering” . Cargo railway car AMB
For the best home production of the year in the nomination “Mechanical Engineering” . Trolley ДГКу, modernised.
For the best home production of the year in the nomination “Mechanical Engineering” . Railway car АГВ, modernised.
For high-quality goods of the national manufacturer (The Sixth International Specialized Exhibition “Transport + Logistics’2003” )
Prosperous industrial enterprise (The ceremony of honoring the leaders of economic progress “Triumph-2003” )
For high-quality repairs of the railway equipment (The Seventh International Specialized Exhibition “Transport + Logistics’2004” )
For starting the manufacturing of the AMB railway car for doing repair and operation works on the railway (the All-Ukrainian competition show “The Best Home Production of the Year” )
For implementation of the innovative technologies of repairing the railway rolling stock (The Eighth International Specialized Exhibition “Transport + Logistics’2005” )