Complete production cycle From idea to the final product!
PJSC Kyiv Central Design Bureau of Valves is a machine building company, specialized in development and manufacturing of the valves and hydro pneumatic aggregates for the nuclear and thermal power stations, oil-and-gas, chemical industry, aerospace complex, etc.
Modern engineering center, high quality production facilities and own testing base enables the Company to operate under the closed-loop cycle from customer technical assignment to “design-manufacturing -testing -delivery to the customer-maintaining and servicing” of the products within the shortest period of time.
Main areas Key products of the Company:
Valves for Nuclear and Thermoelectric Power plants Design and manufacturing of valves for safe operation of the NPP and TPP systems; Space and Aviation Aggregates; Design and manufacturing of small pneumatic hydro aggregates for space and aviation systems General Purpose Valves Development and production of pipeline valves for oil, gas and chemical industries enterprises, main and local water supply systems, ventilation systems. Technical Control Diagnostics and qualification testing of equipment for nuclear power plants and other critical objects on the basis of diagnostic equipment and special bench testing units.
Who we are? PJSC Kyiv Central Design Bureau of Valves is a machine building company, specialized in development and manufacturing of the valves and hydro pneumatic aggregates for the nuclear and thermal power stations, oil-and-gas, chemical industry, aerospace complex, etc.
Our mission To develop and produce high quality products, test and supply it to our customer, to ensure high quality service of our aggregates for longterm and reliable operation.
Half a century history Our experience and expertise is here to help you For the past half a century, we have mastered our skills and know almost all about the hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Our specialists have created unique products that does not have analogues and are highly appreciated by consumers in terms of "quality" and "safe operation".