赫梅利尼茨基州简况 请下载附件。


赫梅利尼茨基州 (乌克兰语:Хмельницька область)是乌克兰西部的一个州。面积20,645平方公里,人口1,373,400 (2006年)。赫梅利尼茨基州,则是以乌克兰最著名的英雄赫梅利尼茨基命名的。

首府赫梅利尼茨基1954年前称“普罗斯库罗夫”。乌克兰西部城市,赫梅利尼茨基州首府。在南布格河上游右岸。人口21.7万 (1985)。铁路枢纽。工业以机械制造(锻压设备、电机、拖拉机配件)及食品加工(油脂、糖,肉类)为主,另有钢筋混凝土制品和呢绒工厂。有地志陈列馆。
Khmelnytsky Region is situated on the Right-Bank Ukraine, in the middle part of Volyn-Podil sublimity. It is the part of Ukrainian Podillya with its picturesque landscapes, fertile earths and hardworking people. No by chance more than one century age genius Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrayinka with love and genuine fascination wrote about that land: «Beautiful Ukraine, Podollya!» In the present boundaries Khmelnytsky Region has been existing since September 22, 1937, when Kamyanets-Podilskiy region was established. In 1941 the regional center was moved to Proskuriv, and the region was renamed into Khmelnytsky in 1954.
The territory of Khmelnytsky Region is 20.6 thousand square km. It is mainly forest-steppe, although the northern part of Khmelnytsky Region is the Polissya area. More than one million and four hundred thousand people live in the region. Khmelnytsky Region comprises 13 cities, 24 settlements of urban type and 1416 villages. Khmelnytsky land has rich history, varied vegetable and animal world, and unique landscapes, rocks, caves, lakes and natural-raw potential.
By supplies of water resources Khmelnytsky Region takes the sixth place in the country as well as it is third by variety of vegetable resources (after the Crimea and Carpathians).
The region has inexhaustible natural-raw riches. This is almost 400 deposits of various minerals and the main are follows as saponite clays, phosphorites, apatites, glauconite sands, granite, limestone, sand, gypsum, chalk, flint and, graphite. In Slavuta the workshop on production of saponite flour has been already commissioned. The saponites have the wide range of possible their use as natural admixtures at breeding of cattle; preservative of green forages; complex ameliorant for ground re-cultivation, polluted by radionuclide.
The supplies of mineral medical waters are very highly valued and there is its sufficiency in Khmelnytsky land. The local mineral water "Zbruchanska" got the great popularity. The scientific researches confirmed the financial viability for creation of the special economic zone "Resortopolis Tovtry" – the powerful industry of making healthy of people and international tourism. In the region they work on development of ways of effective use of powerful potential Resortopolis "Tovtry"; the recreation areas in the unique protected zone of the National Natural Park "Podil Tovtry" are mastered. It is powerful potential for creation of valuable resort area.
The agroindustrial complex is traditionally considered as one of the priority industries of Khmelnytsky Region. No secret that exactly Ukraine has 47% of the world black earths. There are much these fertile earths in Khmelnytsky Region. For the last several years of reforms the system of private agricultural enterprises has been created in villages of Khmelnytsky Region. It was mainly succeeded to save the production complexes and land areas. It provides the increase of gross production. The production of corn grows and the stock-raising is regenerated. All over the world the ecologically friendly products are valued most of all. In Khmelnytsky Region they are just the same. The meat and fruit, bread and milk produced in the region do not have chemicals and stimulators of growth used by foreign farmers often.
In Khmelnytsky Region there are many private processing facilities, which produce in particular, 97% of potato, 90% of fruit, 46% of meat and 56% of milk. The agricultural exhibitions "Agro-Podillya" became the traditional events for Khmelnytsky farmers. Exactly in these exhibitions the peasants with pleasure demonstrate their wonderful results of work.
Khmelnytsky land has the well-developed industrial complex. The greatest rates are made by enterprises of food industry. They increase production of goods, master new technologies, rise efficiency of labour and create new working places. The enterprises of the food industry provide the most shares of industrial products, almost 44%. The products of Khmelnytsky workers in the food industry are known not only in the region but also beyond its boundaries. Following enterprises are leaders such as JSC «Adams», Khmelnytsky Butter and Cheese Plant, Vinkovtsi Cheese-Making Plant and Shepetivka Meat Processing and Packing Plant. The great contribution to the regional economy is made by other industries. In particular, the power engineering complex provides over 28% of industrial production as well as machine-building and metal-working – 14%. The Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant functions on the region's territory and its operating power unit has the capacity of 1000 MW. The works on completion of the second power unit are lasting. All of this is at the level of ecological safety. Among machine-building enterprises the Ukrelektroaparat Plant manufacturing high-quality products is marked by the stable activity as well as many other enterprises. The processes of production growth gain momentum for the last time and the new technologies are mastered at industrial enterprises.
The tourist resources of Khmelnytsky land are one of the powerful in Ukraine (after the Crimea and Carpathians). In the northern part of the region there is Polissya with its unique pine-woods. Exactly pine-woods and their ozone air did at one time the estate of grandees Sangushki in Slavutych region by the original Mecca for patients with tuberculosis. The elite of the Russian empire, Poland and Austria treated there. And the found supplies of radon waters enable to create creation of powerful resorts on their base.
Khmelnytsky Region has powerful recreation and balneology resources due to the presence of great number of sources of high-quality mineral water. The mineral water "Zbruchanska" (like as Truskavets "Naftusya") gave possibility to found resorts "Sataniv" and "Makiv" and the like. In fact the Zbruchansky deposit of mineral water is the biggest one in Europe. The people with the problems of digestion organs are making healthy here due to the use of this water as well as radio-active isotopes are brought out from the human organism.
There are almost 270 territories and objects of reserves in Khmelnytsky land. The National Natural Park "Podil Tovtry", where due to general efforts of many Podil inhabitants 60 species of plants, 80 kinds of insects, birds and animals were put to the Red Book of Ukraine, is the invaluable its treasure. On the territory of this park the "Atlantis", one of the most beautiful spouting horns is placed also.
The history of Khmelnytsky land has a lot of glorious pages. One of the most interesting cities of not only Khmelnytsky Region but also Ukraine and Europe is ancient Kamyanets-Podilsky city named by the pearl on stone. Its architecture saved the samples of cultures of many people, whose are living here: Ukrainians, Jewries and Armenians. And also there are many religions here such as orthodox, catholic, Judaic and moslem.
The center of world cultural inheritance UNESCO has registered the statement of Kamyanets-Podilsky city about inclusion of this Old city to the list of inheritance of world culture. Lately by joint efforts of local community and city authorities there was done much for the sake of creation of modern tourist infrastructure. Conducting of annual holidays and festivals assists in popularity of ancient Kamyanets as tourist center, in particular, Cossack Zabavy and International Festival of National Cultures. The tourists from the whole world will be interesting to visit also Trypillya settlement in Lutsa-Brublevska, Medzhubizka fortress, ancient cities Izyaslav and Polonne. The Bakotsky rock monastery and grave of Hasidism founder Baal Shem Tova attract tourists.
The well-developed transport connection by railway and motor transport assists to development of tourism. In the near future it is planned construction of the speed-up highway "Western Europe-Kyiv" passing through Khmelnytsky land. Khmelnytsky land is the land of large prospects.
Khmelnytsky Region occupies leading positions in the Ukrainian educational space. The region did not inhibite curtailing the preschool establishment network but just the opposite way, increased their number. The region is the leader as for number of colleges, as for number of gymnasia has the third place and fifth for the number of lyceums. The National Academy of Frontier Troops named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Podillya Technological University, Khmelnytsky Institute of Regional Management and Law, Kamyanets-Podilsky Pedagogical University is pride of inhabitants of Khmelnytsky Region. The region has preserved the network of medical establishments and their personnel. The measures are taken to extend the medical and sanitary assistance based on the family medicine. They established in the region, among the first, the computer topography of the whole body and blood free operations on kidneys. The only in Ukraine State Rehabilitation Center of re-socialisation of drug-addicted youth is functioning in Khmelnytsky Region.
Khmelnytsky Region is intensively built and the special attention is paid to habitation for young families. In particular, the regional branch of the Fund for promotion of housing construction for youth is functioning in the region. In Khmelnytsky itself they opened among the first in Ukraine a Family House center working with women, children and families. The cultural life of Khmelnytsky land is rich. Not only in the region but far beyond the land the singing and dancing companies such as Podillya Cossacks, Honta, Horyn and Podolyanchyk are well-known. The musical bands of the Music and Drama Theatre and other artistic establishments renew their repertoire. The citizens of Khmelnytsky Region have great achievements in sport. The efforts of citizens of Khmelnytsky Region are directed on prospect, search and creation of conditions assisting in progressive processes in all spheres of vital functions of the region.