
 赫尔松州(乌克兰语:Херсонська область)是乌克兰南部的一个州,位於克里米亚以北。东为亚速海,第聂伯河在北部自东向西流入黑海。建于1944年3月,面积3万多平方公里,人口130万,60%的人口居住在城市。赫尔松州是乌克兰第一农业大州,资源丰富,科教发达,文化底蕴深厚。

 该州海岸线长740公里,海滩200平方公里。工业发达,门类齐全,主要有轻工、电子、纺织、皮革、造船、机械等。 此外,该州拥有独联体国家中最大的联合收割机制造厂和欧洲最大的食品罐头厂(日产罐头食品3千吨)。 该州有意向我出口的主要工业品包括:金属制品、钢材、机电产品、大中型电机、船舶、载重汽车、农业机械和化肥等。 由于俄罗斯对乌克兰的石油供应大大减少,造成该州能源、燃料紧缺,致使车辆和农业机械运转不足,农业出现丰产不丰收的状况。因此,该州也急需从国外新的市场进口石油化工产品、轻工用品及纺织原料等。
赫尔松州属乌克兰南部经济区,交通便利,气候温和,草原地貌,黑土面积大,日照充沛,一年中适宜植物生长的时期有200多天,是农业工业产业化的大州,享有“乌克兰面包篮”之美誉。 矿产资源丰富,非金属建材原料有90多种。主要有:水泥原料、制砖瓦用黏土、泥灰岩、石灰岩、建筑用沙等。在亚速海狭长的沙滩下蕴藏有天然气。有矿泉水和温泉,温泉含碘量36%,在乌克兰仅有。赫尔松州有两个大型食用岩盐开采中心,而海盐生产主要用于医疗和航天方面。近年来在第聂伯河右岸北部地区发现了磷钙土和铝土矿。
赫尔松州拥有相当强大的工业潜能,主要工业部门是造船和修船业、机械制造业、能源燃料生产、玻璃生产、木材加工、纸浆生产、轻工和食品生产等,共有200多家生产型企业。造船业在赫尔松州已有200多年历史,最大的赫尔松造船厂建于1951年,为该州著名企业,产品种类较多,包括集装箱、客货两用运输船、远洋补给船、干货船、油轮、科考船、破冰运输船,及一些较大型船只,造船厂拥有众多外国客户,不仅能为船东造船修船,还涉猎许多其他工业领域,生产各种技术复杂的工业设备。该厂1997年曾向我国出售几艘船只,包括向我东海舰队出售的军舰用加油船等。 赫尔松国营工厂“帕拉达”生产钢筋混凝土内河浮动码头、泊船线、粮仓和电站等建筑的钢筋混凝土基座。其生产的混合式浮动船坞负载量2000至3000吨,出口到俄罗斯、保加利亚、日本、韩国、尼日利亚等国。 赫尔松州机械制造和金属加工企业“卡霍夫斯克电焊设备厂”生产的高品质、高科技产品出口到美国、德国、日本、韩国等。赫尔松生产的电气电焊设备出口到世界上70多个国家。 赫尔松州生产的粮食收割机享誉全球,出口到全球4大洲,玉米收割机多次获国际奖。赫尔松州生产的电动抽水机名扬国内外,“诺沃卡霍夫斯克乌克兰水电工业厂”为世界上许多国家的核电、热电、水电厂生产非标准型抽水设备。 赫尔松州私营企业“安东-罗斯”组装多种型号的俄罗斯”日古力“牌轿车;乌-德合资企业生产的轻型运动飞机机身行销西欧各国;乌-美合资企业“机械厂”利用废铝二次熔炼生产高纯度铝合金;赫尔松州生产的金属材料在伦敦商品交易所挂牌销售,被现代、尼桑、丰田等世界著名汽车制造商采用。 赫尔松州轻工业部门主要有纺织、缝纫和制鞋企业。该州有三家大型棉纺织联合企业和几家毛纺厂、亚麻纺织厂。其中有欧洲最大的棉纺企业,年纺纱能力3.6万吨,拥有6千台织布机,年产布匹能力达2亿平米,可生产上百个花色品种的棉布和化纤纺织品。毛纺厂主要是用当地生产的羊毛原料生产毛纺织品。 该州虽有种植棉花的条件,但过去根据原苏联国家分工,主要从乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼得到棉花原料。苏联解体后,整个乌克兰包括赫尔松州的棉纺工业原料十分紧缺,产量大幅度下降。目前,仅赫尔松州就需要每年进口棉花10万吨,因此十分渴望能多从中国进口原棉。 赫尔松州纸浆厂生产工业用纸,“工业商务有限责任公司”再利用这种工业用纸制造各种汽车专用的空气、机油、燃料过滤器和滤芯。“乌克兰玻璃工业开放式有限责任公司”生产高级玻璃、装饰玻璃、玻璃瓶、玻璃罐等制品。 食品加工是赫尔松州传统工业,14世纪开办的葡萄酒厂延续至今,数种葡萄酒品牌多次荣获各种国际展会金、银、铜奖牌。乳业生产有赫尔松州十分发达,有众多乳品厂,品种丰富,质量有很大进步,新产品遍布乌克兰市场,并销往周边国家。赫尔松州生产的糖果糕点为当地人引以为豪,有的糖果厂成立已近80年,曾在巴黎等地多次获得国际大奖。 赫尔松州生态环保,气候适宜水果、蔬菜生长,特别有利于罐头生产。1996年瑞典-乌克兰合资成立了“丘马克”公司,联合数家罐头厂生产色拉酱、果汁、番茄酱、色拉油和水果、蔬菜罐头。如今“丘马克”已成为乌克兰知名品牌,并出口境外。
赫尔松州土地辽阔肥沃,农业发达,素有乌克兰粮仓之称。农用地总面积为200多万公顷,其中可耕地190多万公顷、牧场15万公顷。州内水浇地43万公顷,占乌克兰农用地总面积的22%。赫尔松州有近3000家农业经济经营体,有农产品市场、果蔬批发站及其他农贸市场。赫尔松州农作物栽培优先发展方向是:冬小麦、向日葵和豆类,同时重视发展瓜果类农产品生产。 另一个领先行业是畜牧业,目前有近70%的家禽家畜为居民散养。肉猪品质在欧洲是最好之一,赫尔松州在农业经营单位中大力推广牛、羊、猪优良品种的同时,开发特色新产品,饲养鹌鹑、鸵鸟。 该州年产粮食30万吨,大豆5万吨,蔬菜45万吨,水果15万吨,葡萄5万吨,向日葵植物油15万吨,肉类20万吨,奶制品60万吨。
赫尔松州交通运输业发达,赫尔松州有10个港口,其中赫尔松港系该国唯一的化肥出口港。运输方式涵盖铁路、公路、内河航运、海运及空运。两条国际交通走廊贯穿境内:一条把近东及巴尔干半岛国家的物流引向马里乌波尔、亚速海新区方向,公路长114公里,另一条是欧亚运输线,在州内路长226公里,通过黑海港口,把欧洲国家的货物运往克里米亚、俄罗斯、外高加索国家。 赫尔松州内有一个机场、三个海运商港、两个内河港口,5家船运公司、70余家汽车运输公司。赫尔松港有200多年历史,其前景在于,未来可以在第聂伯-布格河湾修建深水港,以接纳大吨位远洋货轮,藉此打通道加瓦--第聂伯河国际水运通道。 赫尔松大宗出口商品是粮食、机械电气设备、合金材料、运输工具。进口商品主要有机器设备、塑料及制品、电器设备、陆上运输工具、黑色金属、化纤制品、果蔬加工设备等。主要出口国依次是俄罗斯、土耳其、德国、希腊、日本、以色列、意大利、白俄罗斯。主要进口国依次是土耳其、德国、格鲁吉亚、俄罗斯、中国、波兰、美国。
Kherson Region was established on March 30, 1944. Its territory is 28.5 thousand square m or 4.7% of the general territory of Ukraine. The number of population is 1150.9 thousand people, including urban – 693.6 thousand people and rural – 457.3 thousand people.
There are 18 administrative districts, 3 cities of regional submission and 658 settlements in the region.
Kherson Region is washed by the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. On the east it borders with Zaporizhzhya Region as well as north-west – Mykolayiv Region, north – Dnipropetrovs'k Region and south – Crimean Autonomous Republic. The state frontier with the length of 458 km passes on the region's territory including 350 km of the Black Sea and 108 km of the Sea of Azov. There are located four check points on the border such as air-port, river port, sea ports of Kherson and Skadovsk.
There are 211 enterprises in the region, where more than 246,7 thousand people are employed. The results of 2003 show positive structural tendencies in the dynamics of economic development of the region.
By comparison with 2002 the gross value added has been increased by 6% in 2003 on the whole, including industrial enterprises – 16%, trade – 27% and transport – on 20,9%. The incomes of population were increased by 4.1% as well as labour payment fund 15.7% and average size of pensions – 15.3%.
The industrial production volume was extended by 16.3% and makes 1677.4 million hryvna in the operating prices so the task of the programme has been overfulfiled by 12.8%. The increase of production volumes from 0.2 up to 80.3% was made by practically all branches of the industry.
10 districts and 3 cities worked with higher than production growth rate as well as following industries such as machine-building (38.3% against forecast 10.5%), oil-refining (17.1% against 1.1%) and power engineering (36.9% against 2%). The chemical and petrochemical, cellulose-paper and printing industries at the planned decline of production actually made the increase by 80.3 and 34.1% respectively.
The enterprises of transport complex executed the all forecast indexes of development in 2003 on the whole. As a result of increase of freight transportation volumes by the enterprises of this industry by almost 2 million tons (or 25.9%) the programme tasks on freight transportation were executed by 139.4%, including goods turnover – 159.8%. The railway transport exceeded the forecast volumes of freight transportation by 1.5 times as well as river – 5 times.
In 2003 the enterprises of communication sphere provided the steady development and implementation of prognosis indexes. The programme on leading of telephone density per 100 inhabitants to the level of 21.5 units has been executed by 100.9% as well as quantity of numbers per 100 families – 100.8%. In 2003 the volumes of communication services were extended by 17.6%, including to the population – 35.8 %. 4 telephone exchanges for 12.3 thousand numbers were put into operation. By the level of communication services Kherson Region takes 9th place in Ukraine.
The enterprises and organizations of housing-communal economy of the region provided services and executed works to the amount of 99.9 million hryvna in 2003. There was allocated money by 1.5 times higher than in 2002 for repair works. The very unfavourable weather-climatic conditions of 2003 conditioned the lowest harvest of cereals in the region that resulted in decreasing of gross production by almost 30%. 447.3 thousand ha of winter crops (more than 70% of sown areas) were died. The volume of losses exceeds 500 million hryvna.
But even at these circumstances in production of vegetables, fruit and water-melon in 2003 there was made the highest indexes for years of independence such as sunflower – 173.2 thousand tones (135% to the programme), vegetables – 437.3 thousand tons (102.1%), potato – 239.4 thousand tons (104.1%), grape – 28.3 thousand tons (102.9%), garden-stuffs and berries – 80.7 thousand tons (2.3 times).
As substantial reserve for overcoming of unfavourable weather factors in the region it is planned to fully involve potential of irrigation in the future. On the irrigated lands the cereals give harvest of 23.6 c/ha as well as vegetables – 150 c/ha, forage root crops – 480 c/ha and maize on silo – 286 c/ha. So, thanks to the drop irrigation the Farm "Tavria" of Kalanchak District got 616 c/ha of vegetables at general average harvest of 60,0 c/ha. In Kherson Region there was irrigated only 250.4 thousand ha (58.9%) from 423.5 thousand ha until now. It is necessary to replace 17% of the facility irrigation network and to renew 33.5% of flushing machines.
The reformation of agrarian sector is lasting. As of January 1, 2004 412 new agricultural farms functioned in the region. 2922 farms have 182,9 thousand ha of agricultural lands in the region. 145,6 thousand state acts on the right of land private property were issued or 71,1% of the total number of certificate proprietors. The shared lands in Kherson Regions make 1425,4 thousand ha. The average size of the land share is 6,9 ha. 209,3 thousand people obtained the land shares.
In connection with the increase of consumer demand the production of consumer goods has been activated in the region. The analysis confirms the tendency of saving of positive growth rates. So, in 2003 the output of consumer goods has been increased by 9.4% due to the increase of production of food and non food consumer groups of 4.2 and 55.7% respectively. Because of unfavourable weather conditions and increase of excise rate on wines strong it was not succeeded to get the level of the proper period of 2002 on beverage alcohol production (-18.9%).
The share of commodities of public consumption in the general production volume of industrial goods makes 49%. By this index Kherson Region takes 6th place in Ukraine.
The volume of consumer goods sale has been increased by 21%, in particular, agricultural production – 21,4%, including products of stock-raising – 28.6%. And here the sale of products of plant growing has been decreased by 6.4%.
For the last three years the average annual growth rate of retail commodity turnover made 13.2%. This tendency was saved in 2003. The commodity turnover of enterprises of retail trade and restaurant economy made 962.4 million hryvna in 2003 at the increase against the level of 2002 by 24.3%. The annual programme was executed by 130%.
In 2003 the enterprises and organizations of all forms of property due to different sources of financing mastered 435.9 million hryvna of investments in the fixed assets by previous data. By comparison with the proper period of 2002 the volume of investments was extended by 6.3%. The volumes of works, executed by building enterprises, by comparison with 2002 has been increased by 46.6% (140.0 million hryvna against 90,9 million hryvna in 2002).
Due to diversification of production Kherson Region gradually sweeps world markets. The commodity export makes USD 120,0 million and import – USD 62,3 million. The foreign trade operations are conducted with partners from 81 countries of the world. Their structure gets better thus. The production volumes of final consumption as machines, equipment, transport vehicles and devices were extended and make almost one fourth of total volume. It is the real confirmation of competitiveness of products of the regional enterprises and result of the use of measures directed on upgrading products and purposeful marketing activity. The personal interest by products of Kherson Region grows in the world. So, in 2003 first in the history Kherson Region supplied 100 tons of water-melons to Sweden. Besides, in 2004 the contracts on supply of egg-plants and pepper light-green are additionally concluded. The enterprises of vine making industry of the region supply products to Canada, Germany, Israel and Luxemburg. The canning products are exported to Baltic States and Russia, countries of Scandinavia, Europe and America.
For a year there were attracted USD 12,7 million of direct foreign investments in the regional economy and it is by 2 million hryvna higher than in 2002; mainly investments were directed to food industry, agriculture and trade.
The tendency to growth of number of small business entities (103,9% to the programme) has been kept in the region. The funds of small business support were established in Nova Kakhovka and Kherson. In December, 2003 the activity of the Regional Business Support Fund has started in the region. Today the registration chambers are operated in Kherson, Nova Kakhovka and Verhnyorogachyk, Velykooleksandrivka and Velykolepetykha districts. The expansion of taxation base provided the growth of tax incomes. In 2003 the aggregate regional budget by comparison with 2002 got the payments by 24.7% higher. In the state budget of Ukraine the growth made 24.2%. The decline of debt of wage payment made 14.8%. The activation of economic activity, increase of sizes of labour pensions and wages in budget and off-budget spheres positively influenced on the increase of money profits of population. The average monthly wage is expected by 22.9% higher than in 2002.
There are taken purposeful measures on timely payment of pensions. In 2003 the budget of the regional department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine got the personal funds by 104.8% higher than the planned task. By comparison with 2002 the incomes grew by 16.5%. It is consoling fact that in 2003 the death rate went down in the region. The permanent tendency to growth of birth-rate is kept. They infuse with a hope that the number of marriages has significantly increased and the divorce was by 0.3% less than in the previous year. The region has all grounds to take the leading positions.