 基辅(乌克兰语:Київ;俄语:Ки́ев 英语:Kiev)位于乌克兰中北部,第聂伯河中游。为乌克兰的首都,经济、文化中心。位于第聂伯河中游两岸,及其最大支流普里皮亚季河与杰斯纳河汇合处附近。 城市西部地势高亢,东部低平、宽阔。属温和的大陆性气候。 1793年基辅并入俄国。自古为贸易要冲。19世纪末成为俄国西南部重要商业城市和甜菜制糖中心。1934年乌克兰首都由哈尔科夫迁此。第二次世界大战中曾被德军占领。战后重建,工业基础不断扩展。该市接近顿巴斯和第聂伯河沿岸钢铁基地,周围是富饶的农业区,机械制造业和轻工业发达。机械制造业门类较多,大多与运输业相联系,还有机床、仪器、化工和机械等。轻工业有照相机、食品、编织品等。化学工业和印刷出版业也很发达。是乌克兰的交通枢纽。东郊设有国际机场,河运直达黑海,市内建有地下铁道。
 全市分10个行政区。市中心处于高岸上的旧城区,第聂伯河蜿蜒而过。保留着旧街道格局 ,拥有全市大部分历史建筑,包括以壁画闻名的索菲亚大教堂,基辅-彼切尔斯克修道院、威杜比次克修道院和安德烈耶夫教堂等。旧城北侧原为贸易和犹太人区,后有河港。南侧为政府机关所在地。中心区四周是工业住宅郊区。河两岸之间有公路和铁路桥相联接。市内设有基辅大学等高等院校,众多科研机构,以及博物馆、美术馆等。 乌克兰共和国首都基辅(Kyiv)位于乌克兰中北部,第聂伯河中游,是第聂伯河港口和重要的铁路枢纽。它面积782平方公里,人口262.6万(2002年12月31日)。城市属温和的大陆性气候,一月份平均气温-5.8℃,7月份平均气温19.5℃,平均年降水量622毫米。 20世纪70年代初有工业职工35万,约占职工总数的五分之二。 交通发达,是水陆空交通枢纽,有铁路和公路通往莫斯科、哈尔科夫、顿巴斯、南乌克兰、敖德萨港、西乌克兰和波兰。第聂伯河的航运能力较高。鲍里斯波尔机场有航线通往独联体大部分大城市、乌克兰许多城镇以及罗马尼亚和保加利亚等国。市内汽车、电车交通方便,日载客量200余万人,还有地下铁道。基辅是东欧重要的工业、科学、文化及教育中心,也是许多高科技产业、高等教育机构和历史建筑的所在地。这座城市拥有广泛的基础设施和高度发达的公共交通系统,如基辅地铁。 基辅的历史已有1500多年。始建于5世纪下半叶,9—13世纪为第一个俄罗斯国家基辅罗斯的都城和中心,有“俄国城市之母”之称。 公元822年,第一个俄罗斯民族国家基辅罗斯在乌克兰的基辅建立。988年全市改宗东正教,往后两个世纪通过欧亚贸易逐渐繁荣起来,被称为第聂伯河上的“帝王之城”。 1240年,成吉思汗的孙子拔都及其蒙古帝国远征军攻占基辅,其后成为钦察汗国的一个重要城市。 1362年,西面的立陶宛公国入侵;1569年又被割让予波兰;1686年归于俄国。 19世纪初俄国沙皇锐意发展工业,基辅成为乌克兰一带的领导城市;60年代与莫斯科和敖德萨通铁路。 1917年俄国十月革命成功,基辅遂于翌年成为独立的乌克兰国家首都。 1941年苏军败退,被纳粹德军占领,1943年苏军解放基辅。二次世界大战后,苏联政府授予基辅以“英雄城市”的称号和金星勋章、列宁勋章,表扬该市人民在战争中的勇敢和牺牲。 1991年,基辅发生骚动,同年底苏联解体,乌克兰脱离苏联独立,该市成为乌克兰的首都。 基辅州(乌克兰语:Київська область)在乌克兰北部第聂伯河中游,北邻白俄罗斯。面积2.89万平方公里。人口193.3万(不包括基辅市,1985)。乌克兰人占十分之九以上,余为俄罗斯人、白俄罗斯人、犹太人。1932年设州,首府基辅(但因为是首都所以基辅市并不受州管辖)。大部是平原,西南为第聂伯河沿岸丘陵。矿藏有泥炭、煤和钛。温带大陆性气候,1月平均气温-7—5℃,7月17—18℃。年降水量500-600毫米。第聂伯河及其支流音里皮亚特河、杰斯纳河流经。建有基辅水库水电站。工业以运输设备和农业机械制造为主,还有甜菜制糖厂。农业主产甜菜、小麦;乳肉畜牧业发达。主要城市白采尔科维、瓦西利科夫等。 居民多信奉东正教和天主教。乌克兰语为官方语言,俄语在乌克兰也有广大的使用人群。但当今乌克兰政府比较注重乌克兰语的推广和普及,特别是在学校教育中(乌克兰语以及乌语少数民族语混合学校的学生占76%,俄语 学校的学生占24%),媒体和政府公文上,以及就业上,以此来保证乌克兰的国家和民族认同,维护国家独立和安全,融合俄罗斯少数民族。在苏联时期,俄语学校大约占九成,乌克兰学校占一成,如今却倒过来了。在出版物和媒体上,乌克兰语占有明显的优势。乌克兰文化璀璨,它的油画、芭蕾、舞蹈和音乐等在国际上享有盛誉。 俄罗斯文学之父果戈里从乌克兰走向世界,乌克兰也是托尔斯泰名著《复活》的历史舞台;影响中国几代人的名著《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,其作者奥斯特洛夫斯基也正是乌克兰人;小说《青年近卫军》的故事发生地也正是在乌克兰。乌克兰有世界闻名的历史文化名城基辅,它被誉为“俄罗斯众城之母”,还有950年的历史的圣索菲亚大教堂。
乌克兰自然资源丰富。它不仅拥有大片肥沃的“黑土带”(占全世界“黑土带”总面积的40%),而且还蕴藏着70余种矿藏资源,如沥青、无烟煤、铁、锰、铬、钛、铅、锌、铝、汞、镍和一定量的天然气和石油,其中沥青和无烟煤均占前苏联总储藏量的60%。 顿巴斯是原苏联最大的煤田之一。已探明储量为420亿吨。克里沃罗格的铁矿 储量为260亿吨,为原苏联的第2位。 乌克兰森林资源较为丰富,占全国领面积的14%,跨越三个植被带:森林沼泽带、森林草原带和草原带。 乌克兰有自然保护区和天然国家公园23个(面积为77.19万公顷),其中自然保护区14个,地球生物层保护区3个,天然国家公园6个。在克里木半岛南部黑海沿岸约10公里的狭长地带,具有独特的自然景观,落叶林与长绿的草地灌木丛并存。由于它优美的环境、温和的气候,使其成为世界著名旅游度假圣地之一。主要树种有:松树、柞树、云杉、冷杉、椴树、槭树、白桦树等。 乌克兰约有3万种低级和高级植物,植物资源丰富。其中,藻类植物约4000种;菌类和粘菌类植物15000种以上;苔藓类植物1000多种,导管植物4523种。乌克兰的动物资源也极其丰富,包括邻海(黑海、亚速海)领海水域在内,大约有44800种动物。根据动物分类,在乌克兰,原生动物有1200种以上;腔肠动物有40种;栉水母网动物1种;扁虫类1299种;纽虫动物门有33种;原始腔肠动物有1457种;钩头虫动物有58种;环节动物门动物有400多种;节肢动物门动物有39146种;软体动物门动物有369种;有触手亚网动物33种;棘皮动物门动物14种;脊索动物门动物有694种。
乌克兰是一个民主国家,实行三权分立的政治原则,即国家的立法、司法和执行权力,均按宪法规定的界限各自实施其权限。宪法确定乌为主权、独立、民主的法制国家,实行共和制。总统为代表国家的最高元首;最高苏维埃为立法机关;内阁为行政机关,向总统负责。乌克兰议会实行一院制,议会也称“乌克兰最高苏维埃”,是国家最高立法机关,议会的法定人数为450名议员。国会议员由直接普选产生,任期4年。 乌克兰是工农业较为发达的国家。 重工业在工业中占据主要地位,其煤炭,冶金,机械制造和化学工业构成了现代化经济的骨架。乌克兰土壤肥沃,农产品以粮食,甜菜,向日葵,葡萄,长纤维亚麻为主。市中心是旧城区,坐落在第聂伯河右岸,尽管旧城区的很多建筑为战后所建,但它仍保留着旧街道格局。市内的大部分历史建筑也都集中在这里,如著名的索菲亚大教堂(11世纪建,现为博物馆)等。旧城内外还有许多博物馆、剧院、公用楼、大百货商店。旧城北侧原是贸易和犹太人区,现为河港。南侧的彼切尔斯基区有乌克兰政府的许多主要建筑,如议会政府大厦等,建造于11世纪的佩切斯卡亚隐修院是前苏联历史上最著名和最重要的隐修院。中心区四周是工业住宅区。住宅建筑群形成的单元(称“小区”)之间为公园和绿化带,包括乌克兰科学院的大型植物园和小型大学植物园。城市外围有数处森林公园。二战后,城市不断向第聂伯河左岸发展,两岸之间有公路和铁路桥连接。基辅是前苏联的重要工业中心之一,工厂遍布全市,以市中心区以西和第聂伯河左岸最为集中。 种类繁多,重工业以生产成套机械装备、精密机床和仪器、金属切削机床、飞机、化工设备、液压起重机、电子仪器、电枢、船舶、摩托车、电影设备为主,轻工业有化工产品、照相机、电子计算机、手表、编织品、食品等。化工产品有树脂、化肥、塑料和化纤等。出版业发达,有14家印刷厂。 乌克兰的教育发达,有完善的教育体系,它延承了原苏联的体制,包括学前教育、普通教育、职业技术教育、中等专业教育、高等教育。 乌克兰共有979所高等院校。依照各高等院校的不同地位和级别建立了四个不同的等级。现有一、二级院校共 664 所,三、四级院校315所。著名大学有:国立基辅大学(全称基铺塔拉斯.舍甫琴科大学,行政上校长直接向总统负责,2013QS世界大学最新排名501-550段)、国立技术大学、国立哈尔科夫大学、国立哈尔科夫师范大学、国立利沃夫大学、敖德萨音乐学院、柴可夫斯基音乐学院等等。
建于11世纪,是现存不多、保留完好的雅罗斯拉夫大公时代的建筑之一。金门是古代基辅城的正门,门扇和门楼上的教堂圆顶装饰有镀金的铜箔,金门因此而得名。门高12米,宽6.4米。 修建金门在当时有两个作用,一是作为当时基辅最要主要的城门,二是作为防御之用。1983年金门遗址经整修后辟为博物馆,对游人开放。馆内陈列许多古基辅的文物。 开放时间为10:00-17:00,周二休息。 矗立于古老的第聂伯河右岸,是一组雄伟的雕刻和建筑艺术群。纪念馆占地10公顷,其入口 原是彼得1716年为抵御瑞典人入侵而修筑的洞穴要塞。纪念馆周围建有高浮雕群像。馆中陈列8,000多件第二次世界大战时期的展品及许多油画和雕塑,纪录了乌克兰人民在卫国战争中建立的不朽功勋。“祖国-母亲”雕像是纪念馆的主体组成部分,也是基辅的标志性建筑之一。高62米,系为纪念卫国战争中牺牲的英雄而建。“母亲”的左右手分别高举盾和剑,象征着乌克兰人民保卫祖国的信心和决心。 为纪念基辅建城1,500周年于1982年建立,位于第聂伯河右岸河边,小广场上一组雕塑与“祖国-母亲”像交相辉映。相传在5世纪初,基、谢克、哈里夫三兄弟和他们的妹妹列别齐在第聂伯河右岸建立了城市,城市以大哥基的名字命名,故称之为基辅。这座雕像是为了基辅的奠基者建立的。 基辅古老的文化街,因街上有安德烈教堂而得名。基辅罗斯时代,手工业者和小商贩均住在下城,安德烈斜坡是从上城到下城最近的路,因而成为手工业产品的交易场所,这一传统一直延续至今。这条街道已按上个世纪的原样修复,沿街设有手工艺作坊、艺术沙龙,出售各类具有乌克兰民族特色的工艺品和纪念品。 为纪念乌克兰与俄罗斯合并(1654年)328周年于1982年建立。采用航空材料建成,形似彩虹。站在观景台上,周围的美景尽收眼底。团结环左边是基辅音乐厅,音乐厅对面是乌克兰宫和中央文化公园,公园内有弗拉基米尔大公纪念碑,建于1835年,高20米。 基辅的中央大街,也是市内最繁华的街道。“克列夏季克”在俄语中的意思是“十字形的”。根据传说,这里原是森林边的一块空地,河流交错纵横,因而得名。 克列夏季克大街是在二战后按照战前的模式原样修复的,大街横穿过有乌克兰第一广场的“独立广场”。1998和2001年对大街和广场进行了重新整修,在保留其原有风格的基础上,使其具有现代气息。为充分利用其所在的地理位置,在大街的尽头和独立广场下开发了颇具现代规模的大型地下商城。这条大街两旁绿树成荫,两侧商店林立,堪称基辅市的商业黄金地段。周末和节假日为步行街。乌克兰独立纪念日有阅兵式和武器展示。 又称民俗村,位于城郊的“皮络戈夫”村,占地150公顷,有近300座建筑。古老的各具特色的建筑物均是从乌克兰各州原封不动运来的。展品有住房、木结构教堂、粮仓、打谷场、井、水磨、风磨、农民的家什、服装、餐具等,最古老的用品是16-17世纪的生活用品。 位于弗拉基米尔大街,建于1897-1901年,由著名的设计师尼古拉•瓦西里设计。内有演出舞台、乐器演奏池、包厢等一系列设施。为欧洲四大著名剧院之一。 原为沙皇宫殿,建于1750-1755年,当时是亚历山大女皇当权。此建筑曾于1819年遭受火灾,最上一层楼及楼顶被烧毁。1870年玛利亚女皇拨专款重建此宫。现属于国家政府机构所在地。 基辅有新旧两大植物园,新植物园位于第聂伯河岸上,可以远眺第聂伯河对岸秀丽的风景,也可以看到美丽的东正教大教堂的穹顶。虽然植物园一年四季都有独特的景色,但是最佳的游览季节是在每年的5月1日-10日,这时群花盛开,移步一景,实在是美不胜收。 基辅著名古迹之一,占地28公顷,内有许多教堂及博物馆(包括古代珍宝博物馆、图书和 图书印刷博物馆、乌克兰民族装饰艺术博物馆等),其中洞窟教堂历史最为悠久。它建于1051年,由二条洞穴(高2米、宽1.2米)组成,相距400米,分别向第聂伯河延伸,总长500余米。洞穴两壁各向里挖出高1米、长2米、深0.5米的浅穴,最早作为修道室,教士死后尸体保存在洞穴内,由于洞穴内特殊的气候环境,这些尸体自然风干成木乃伊。木乃伊被认为是奇迹,是神的力量的体现,修道院因此声名远播。洞窟内保存有125具木乃伊。 12世纪,洞窟教堂曾是东欧宗教和文化中心,这里有圣像画室和缮写室,将经文译成教会斯拉夫语,并翻译外国文学。1240年蒙古入侵期间,洞窟教堂曾作为基辅市民的避难所。18世纪,沙皇在此囚禁政治犯。十月革命以前,俄国及东欧国家的东正教徒纷纷来此朝拜,许多知名人士在洞窟教堂隐居并从事创作。除洞窟教堂外,比切尔修道院内还有一些教堂,如别里斯托夫救世主教堂(建于11世纪)、圣母升天教堂(建于17世纪,重建于2000年)。修道院内的钟楼高96.5米,为欧洲之最。它直径29米,底层宽8米,共4层,金顶,顶部装有灯和十字架。钟楼原有9座钟,现存4座。基辅洞窟修道院院区于1990年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。教堂对外开放时间为10:00-16:00,周一休息。 始建于1713年,是纯粹的乌克兰民族风格的建筑。东面是米哈伊尔教堂,西面是厨房和禅院,正面是各式各样的壁柱。正门是半拱形的,三角墙上雕刻着形形色色的几何图案。二十世纪七十年代曾进行过整修。米哈伊尔教堂广场上的基辅女大公奥尔加和圣安德烈塑像。 建于11世纪,巴洛克式建筑风格。是智者雅罗斯拉夫为庆祝古罗斯军队战胜突厥佩切涅格人和颂扬基督教而修建的。“索菲亚”是希腊语“智慧”的意思。该教堂建成后,很快成为基辅罗斯的宗教、政治和文化中心。罗斯的大主教住持于此,大公在这里接见外国使节,签订国际条约。这里还陈列着许多考古文物和建筑模型,基辅10世纪的全景模型展出了被蒙古侵略者破坏前的基辅市貌。这里还建立了斯拉夫民族的第一个图书馆。对外开放时间为10:00-17:00,周三10:00-16:00 。
Kyiv is the political center of the country, where the residence of country leader – the President of Ukraine is located as well as Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, and Supreme Court of Ukraine, central public authorities, diplomatic representatives of foreign states and representatives of international organizations in Ukraine. It is the spiritual, cultural, historical and scientific-educational center of Ukraine. The Kyiv Regional Council and Kyiv Regional State Administration and their executive authorities are also located in Kyiv as well as headquarters of political parties, offices of public and trade-union organizations.
With the purpose of harmonious development Kyiv with the diversified structure of economy needs solutions of great number of problems. The local authority aims to do a capital by the place of comfort residence of both its inhabitants so guests. The question is creation of business, office and tourist center with organization of infrastructure necessary for this purpose. Today Kyiv is the self-sufficient region of the country and the impartial statistics and economic indicators of the capital complex testify to it.
The capital confidently leads among other regions of the country by practically all basic industries. The permanent tendency of growth of major summarizing index of economic development – the gross value added has been achieved in Kyiv. The share of Kyiv in the gross value added of Ukraine annually grows and exceeds 11% today. Thus the number of city population makes only 5.4% of Ukrainian people.
In 2003 the industrial enterprises of Kyiv first for ten years overfulfiled the plan. Notably that the unemployment has been overcome in Kyiv and more than 19 thousand working places are offered today in the Kyiv labour exchange so the unemployment rate makes 0.43%. Annually the number of working places is increased in Kyiv. Only for the last time more than 14 000 working places were additionally created in the city.
The situation in capital construction industry especially impresses. Almost 1 000 000 square m of habitation is annually put into service, including 82 000 square m for persons enjoying privileges – invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War, Afghan war and having many the children families. The habitation in the future will be put into service mainly in districts of active construction with the simultaneous providing their habitants with the objects of social infrastructure such as kindergartens, schools, centers of leisure and others. Except for construction of new buildings such urgent problem as repair of housing fund is being solved. The development of the programme of reconstruction of 50-60 years buildings and dormitories is completed. In fact there are 513 dormitories needed to be reconstructed in Kyiv.
Bessarbsky Quarter of the capital has been changed cardinally; the unique «Metrograd» and wonderful underground objects under Maidan Nezalezhnosti were built; the project of reconstruction of European Square is developed. It is important that the great part of charges on development of many Kyiv projects is undertaken by investors. Kyiv authority is learned to attract investments. 35% of total foreign investments in Ukraine are concentrated in Kyiv. The tendency to growth of investments is lasting. The realization of the strategy development programme of the city of Kyiv for 2011 will cost almost USD 350 billion by present exchange rate.
The USA is the main partner of Kyiv – up to 25-27% of the total investments in Kyiv. Holland, Great Britain, Austria and Germany are the main partners of Kyiv in Europe. The investments of these countries make from 4 up to 9% of total volume. The second position is traditionally occupied by Cyprus.
It is necessary to notice that the basic volume of investments in the middle and even at the end of 90th years was covered by lot and retail trade, sphere of services, and for the last two-three years the investing in construction business became the most popular in Kyiv. Thus there is not even in the real estate, but in production of construction materials.
The activity of the German Firm "Knauf" is a model.
USD 10 million was invested in the enterprise. The production of gypsum plasterboard, which can provide the demands of Ukrainian market, has been started. The enterprise trades with Moldova, Russia, Byelorussia and plans to be developed farther – to arrange production of dry mixtures. The same firm brought to Ukraine new technologies and now prepares shields for monolithic construction. The monolithic building is rapid and high-quality construction of original buildings.
Every day Kyiv becomes more attractive. Less than for two months the workers of the general contractor of reconstruction of the City and Mariyinskiy parks – the JSC "Trust №6 "Kyivmiskbud" reconstructed these parks into the real decoration of the city. The accurate green lawns, wonderful flower-gardens, paths laid by the yellow and grey tile, children's ground, renewed fountains, monuments and park sculptures is impressed greatly in these centers of rest. The opening in Kyiv of the first supermarket «Metro» became one of the last construction projects. The store was built for record short term (six months). Its area is more than 17 000 square m. Near-by there are two parking sites: indoor for 120 cars and ordinary for 700 cars. Over 400 Kyivers work in this supermarket. On the whole three such trading complexes will be built in Kyiv.
To become one of the best cities of Europe, it is necessary to develop the network of hotels, sport buildings, to revive sights of the Ukrainian culture and build new masterpieces so do its best for tourist attraction.
For years of independence the pearls of orthodoxy were revived in the capital of Ukraine such as Assumption Cathedral of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and Mikhail's Golden Dome Cathedral, Alexander's Roman Catholic Church and Saint Nikolai's Church at Askold grave. The row of buildings, which became the real decoration of the city was constructed. Among them there are bank buildings at 115, Saksagansky Str., and 12, Tverska Str., housing complexes at 10 Sichneve Povstannya Str., between lanes of Bekhteriv and Kudryavskiy. The forming of principle new housing district in Obolon from the subway «Minska» to the embankment is lasting. The new stations of underground and overpasses were opened in Kyiv. It became possible because in Kyiv there are wonderful architects, able to solve the most complex town-planning, project and restoration tasks as well as builders able to make reality of architectural projects.
Up to 12% of investments in Kyiv are directed in transport industry, facilities of transport and new machines. The Orlantransgroup has the very strong positions in Kyiv. It has almost 150 large new trucks that enable to perform transportation with the countries of Western Europe.
The strategy of development of Kyiv includes the programme of ecologically dangerous productions (chemical and machine-building, enterprises working unprofitably or occupy production area inadequate to the volumes and others) taking away the city. Today, when in Ukraine there are regions specialized on manufacturing of similar products, to have the same production within the limits of Kyiv, to deliver raw material and components and to occupy storage facilities for this production is not purposeful. It is planned to take away these enterprises the ring road that will decrease the traffic of freight transport in the city. Besides the city industry will be developed on the base of innovation ecologically friendly technologies. It is planned to concentrate on priority development of food, light and pharmaceutical industries. The last one, by the way, provides 25% of income tax, covering only 5% in the gross production.
The special role belongs to the business in Kyiv. Only 14.5 thousand new working places were opened in the first half-year of 2003, and the subjects of small business paid 141 million hryvna to the budget.
The birth-rate is the most sensible barometer of standard of living of population. In Kyiv it has been substantially increased for the last time. The children's hospital was built in Pechersk. There are repaired existing and put into service new medical-prophylactic establishments. The out-patient clinics of family doctors appeared in Darnytsky and Desnyansky districts of the capital. The similar establishments will appear in four districts in the near future. For maintenance of medical-prophylactic establishments the money is allocated twice more than several years ago. The increase of wages to the nurses is planned. Everything that is done in this direction is united by the Programme "Health of Kyivers".
The schools of Kyiv are also reformed. There are traditional establishments, but the lyceums, gymnasia's and private educational establishments appear. The Programme "Capital Education" (2001-2005) is successfully executed. But not only pupil but also teachers need a care. The reward in the volume of salary (wage rate) has been introduced in Kyiv for teachers as well as material help at granting of annual vacation (salary); the bonus for length of service was set. There are also the bonuses to headmasters of educational establishments; the apartments are given to the teachers.
The Ukrainian Aviation Museum is created in Kyiv. The employees of the Kyiv National Aviation University began to collect exposition for the museum. Today there are over 40 aircrafts and more than 10 helicopters here. Each of machines is unique one. The employees of future museum are especially proud by the personal air transport of Marshal K. Ye. Voroshylov.
The actions of the city administration on sport development are impressed greatly. The capital authority pays attention to very eccentric projects also; so they recently declared about plans to conduct in Kyiv a carnival like Brazilian one. The capital of Ukraine is changed cardinally.