 敖德萨州 (乌克兰语:Одеська область)是乌克兰西南部的一个州,与罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦接壤。面积33,300平方公里,人口2,402,000 (2006年)。首府奥德萨。
 西南部原属比萨拉比亚的一部份,1940年根据《苏德互不侵犯条约》纳入乌克兰版图,(1954年并入本州),因而当地罗马尼亚人成为少数民族。1932年设州。面积3.33万平方公里。人口260.6万(1985),乌克兰人占一半以上,还有俄罗斯人、保加利亚人。首府敖德萨。以机械制造(衣机、机床、起重机、船舶)、食品加工、纺织和石油化工为主,建有核电站。农业主产谷物,乳肉用畜牧业重要。沿海有旅游、疗养地多处。主要语言为俄语及乌克兰语。尽管乌克兰语是其官方语言,但乌克兰语的通用性正逐渐下降。敖德萨内包含了不同国籍和族群人士,包括乌克兰人、俄国人、希腊人、犹太人、保加利亚人、亚美尼亚人、德国人、韩国人等等。 根据欧洲的标准,敖德萨市是一个年轻的城市。它是1794 年由叶卡特琳娜二世建立的, 当时的俄罗斯女王认为她的国家需要在黑海边建一个港口,以用来扩展和欧洲之间的贸易往来。在今天的敖德萨的土地上曾经有一个古老的希腊殖民地,当时克里米亚的鞑靼人就居住在这里。他们后来被土耳其人代替。土耳其人在这里建立了要塞,后来又在1789年被俄国人占领了。因为得天独厚的地理位置,敖德萨成为一个贸易,工业和科技中心,在欧洲具有重要的意义。成立一百年之际,敖德萨在人口和经济实力方面成为俄罗斯帝国当中第四位的城市,次于圣彼得堡,莫斯科和华沙。在第一次世界大战和俄罗斯内战期间它免于战乱,二战期间曾经部分被毁。 虽然有历史的骚乱,敖德萨的人口与上个世纪相比仍然增长了将近三倍。如今它以乌克兰工业和度假中心城市的身份继续迅速地成长。温和的气候,多样的海滩和暖和的海水吸引了成千上万的游客来到这里,使得它获得了“南部棕榈”的美称。 自古以来,这里就作为国际贸易城市而呈现一派繁荣景象,街市里充满了自由的气氛,您可全然忘却自己是个外国人而融入其中。在电影《战船“波将金”号》中表现出的市民团结以及二战时建造的地下坑道,还有对纳粹的宁死不屈抵抗或许都源于市民这种独立的自强的精神吧。这个地下坑道现已作为博物馆对外开放。
有一个大学(建于1865年),戏剧和芭蕾歌剧院(1809),历史博物馆(1825), 城市图书馆(1830),天文台(1871),美术馆(1898)和其他高水平高质量的教育机构,包括医药大学,海军学院和音乐学校。像诗人亚历山大普希金,生物化学家梅契尼科夫和歌唱家列尼德尤索夫等名人都曾经在不同的时期在这里居住过。上个世纪在敖德萨出生并长大的几代幽默大师为这个城市赢得了俄罗斯幽默之都的美称。旧城区的老房子是用文艺复兴时期到新艺术时期的不同风格的建筑。 市内包括的院校有敖德萨大学,敖德萨工业大学、敖德萨音乐学院、敖德萨海运学院、敖德萨食品工业大学、敖德萨气象学院、农业学院、冷冻学院等14所高等院校,25所中等专业学校;还有图书馆、影剧院、博物馆等文化设施。
海上经济体系由位于国际交通干线上的七大贸易港口和两大船舶公司组成。敖德萨、伊利伊乔夫斯克及南方港口是我州的最大港口。2007年我州贸易港口加工货物总量达9350万吨,比2006年增长1000万吨。最近几年,货物运输总量呈现稳定递增趋势(每年大约上涨10%)。 敖德萨为中等大陆性气候,气候比较干燥,四季比较鲜明,有一个温和的冬季和较长较热的夏季。一年290天的阳光日晒。冬季气温基本在结冰点附近徘徊。气候怡人,温度与湿度适中,由于天然海港常年不冻,在水路运输占有重要地位,被誉为“黑海明珠”。它同世界60个国家的200多个港口有来往,承担着原苏联50%以上的对外贸易货运任务。 敖德萨港是黑海亚速海流域最具活力的港口之一,专门从事原油及大型货物的倒装。港口共有45个加防护的泊位,泊位线长达9000米之余,可停泊载重量达10万吨,长达280米,吃水深度达13米的船舶。年货物吞吐能力达3000万吨,其中大约有1500万吨原油。 伊利伊乔夫斯克港口是专门装卸集装箱的港口。港口共有6个集装箱码头,可以容纳吃水深度达14米的运输船舶。目前港口正在进行大规模的改造。《乌克兰集装箱》公司正在实施扩大集装箱码头吞吐量的投资工程。预计投资工程到2015年竣工。投资总额达5亿美元。2007年10月16日首批符合欧洲标准的新集装箱码头已投入使用。 专门从事散装货物倒装的南方港口对敖德萨州有重要的意义。该港口有几个鲜明的特征: 1. 拥有同集装箱系统相连的封闭性机械化仓库 2. 11个深水泊位 3. 不冻港 4. 年货物周转量大约为2000万吨
The Odesa land is the territory of the boundles Ukrainian steppe and genial Black Sea. It is situated on the crossroads of the important international ways (the features of geographic position of the region conditioned the entrance of its territory two of nine routes of international transport corridors); Odesa Region is a part of Ukrainian sea front as well as seacoast and boundary region. The state Ukrainian frontier with Romania and Moldova passes on the region’s territory.
The area of Odesa Region makes 33.3 thousand sq. km (5.5% of the territory of Ukraine) that almost equals the sizes of the territory of Republic of Moldova. The population of Odesa Region is 2448.2 thousand people. The region is multinational: Ukrainians, Russians, Jewries, Moldovans and other people live here.
Among other Ukrainian regions Odesa Region is showed up by two leading inter-branch complexes as marine and transport, and among other sectors of economy of Odesa Region the transport is the most important. On the region’s territory eight ports are placed. They are connected by transport waterways with almost 600 ports of practically all countries of the world. The effective water ways (marine and river) enable to extend the economic relations of the region with Eastern and Central Europe (down the Danube River). The Odesa Port and other ports of the region are placed in the junction of intensive marine and river transport international communications that makes the powerful transport-transit potential of the region.
The International Ferry Line "Ilyichevsk-Varna" (Bulgaria) operates since 1978; the ferries connect the city of Odesa with Turkey and Greece; the Ferry Transport Line "Ilyichevsk-Poti-Batumi" functions. The container and piggyback train "Viking", which connects the Black and Baltic seas, functions on the Ferry Line "Ilyichevsk-Varna". The functioning of a new international transport corridor enables to decrease the time and expenses on cargo delivery in the destination direction. The following ferry lines as Reni-Rousse (Bulgaria), Reni-Tulcea (Romania) and Reni-Galati (Romania) function on the Dunabe River.
The industrial marine complex of Odesa Region includes also five ship repair yards such as joint-stock companies №2 Odesa Repair Ship Yard, Repair Ship Yard "Ukraine", State-Owned Enterprise "Ilyichevsk Ship Repair Yard", Izmail Chip Repair Yard and Kiliy Ship Repair and Building Yard.
Each of the ship repair yards is the enterprise with the full technological cycle able to independently repair ships in full measure. The yards successfully mastered and widely apply modern technologies of repair (metal-working, welding, defect detection, application of polymeric materials and glued compositions, modern facilities of corrosion protection and becoming overgrown and others), and also progressive technological processes of making and renewal of ship engines and mechanisms. Except for repair of ships, these enterprises produce a lot of industrial products as passenger cruisers, oil garbage disposal vessels, and heavy containers of international standard, variably-spare parts of ship equipment, casting and bobbins for ship repair and the like.
Odesa Region is the highly developed industrial region and its industry has a great share in the structure of the Ukrainian national economic complex. The enterprises of machine-building and metal-working, chemical and petrochemical, food and light industries and others are placed on its territory. There is the highly developed machine-tool industry in the machine-building production. It is represented by enterprises on production of metal-cutting machine-tools and extrusion toolage. The seacoast position of the region conditioned the presence of ship repair and shipbuilding industries, fish industrial and fish processing branch, production of refrigeration and technological equipment for processing of fish and sea products. The port industrial complexes handle export (ammonia and carbamide) and import (oil, tea and sugar) raw material. The leading place in the structure of the commercial products in Odesa Region is belonging to food industry, which includes sugar (Joint-Stock Company "Odesa Sugar Company", Kotovsk Sugar House and others), oil and fat, vegetable processing and wine making industries, production of food concentrates. The important role in the production complex is plaid by meat packing, dairy processing, alcoholic beverage and confectionary. The well-recognized producers of alcohol drinks, champagnes, wines, mineral waters and soft drinks in Odesa Region are the Joint-Stock Company "First Distillery", Contractor-Run Enterprise "Odesavinprom", Contractor-Run Enterprise "Odesa Cognac Factory", Scientific-Production Enterprise "Nyva" and others.
In the structure of regional industrial production the important role is plaid by light industry. The aggregated branches of medical industry, production of pharmaceutical goods and preparations, medicines from plastics, veterinary instruments and equipment are represented in Odesa Region. The enterprises of chemical industry of the region produce mineral fertilizers, varnish-and-paint and plastic wares, chemical detergents and industrial rubber goods.
The agriculture is the second sector by volume and employment of labour resources in Odesa Region. The main direction of agricultural specialization of the region is grain and cattle breeding with the highly developed production of sunflower, wine, poultry farming and pig breeding. The share of vegetable products in the general making of the regional gross agricultural product makes 65% as well as stock-raising – 35%. In the structure of the gross product of agriculture the share of separate kinds makes following as grain – 29.9%, industrial crops – 5.9%, including sunflower – 4.1%, meat -15.9%, milk – 13.3% and vegetables -13.0%. The share of the region in the general production volume of the Ukrainian Gross Agricultural Product exceeds 5.3% as well as grain – 7.5%, sunflower – 8.1%, wine – 45.5%, meat – 4.5%, milk – 4.8% and eggs – 6.3%.
With the purpose of further development of small business the Programme of Small Business Development for 2003-2004 was designed in the region, which foresees the complex of measures on information, financial, skilled and resource providing of entrepreneurial activity. On the whole almost 23.7 thousand small enterprises have been registered in the region as well as more than 92 thousand subjects of entrepreneurial activity – natural persons. The majority of small enterprises (45.4%) work in the field of trade and public catering, industry (13.8%) and building (11.6%). There is a tendency to decreasing number of small enterprises, which carry out trading-intermediary activity with their re-orientation on production of goods.
For support of entrepreneurial structures of small and medium business it is foreseen to allocate 2.9 million hryvna from the regional budget in 2003. The new structures as information-consulting centers, agencies of business development, centers of social partnership, scientific-consulting centers of investments and international business and others began to develop actively.
The system of preparation and retraining of personnel, including unemployed persons, for occupation by small business is under development. The public associations of businessmen work and their influencing and social activity grows.
The geographical position of Odesa Region is conditioned by both the advantageous transport-geographical location so activation of its participation in the largest European inter-regional organizations as Assembly of European Regions and Working Community of the Dunabe Countries. The region also assists to active participation of Ukraine in work of countries-members of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC). The cooperation of the region with regions from the EU countries-members and countries-candidates in membership is under development; the inter-regional relations with regions from the CIS countries, first of all Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Turkmenistan, are being formed.
The favourable climate, curative mud and salt waters of the estuaries, sand beaches and mineral water springs are the main natural recreation resources of the region. By rich and variety of natural medical resources and number of resort-health establishments the region takes the third place in Ukraine. The regional resorts by composition of medical resources are mud climatic with the elements of balneotherapy. The recreation resources enable to effectively treat the diseases of circulation organs, nervous system, respiratory organs, digestion organs, metabolic disturbance and the like. More than 600 establishments for servicing of tourists and holiday-makers are counted in the region. The regional tourist enterprises support the permanent relations with the most CIS countries, countries of Europe, Africa, America and Asia, arrange marine and river cruises, aviation and bus trips and provide tourists with various services.
The strategy of development of tourism and recreation economy in the region is directed on creation of highly profitable industry that is to cover demands of internal and international tourism, strengthening of inter-relations between tourism and other spheres of regional national economic complex, saving of monuments of history and culture, increase of spiritual potential of society, level of environment protection activity and attraction of investments in development of tourism infrastructure.