 罗夫诺州 (乌克兰语:Рівненська область),位于乌克兰西北部的一个州。面积20,047平方公里,人口1,154,682 (2006年)。首府罗夫诺。罗夫诺州位于乌克兰西北部。全州面积2.01 万平方公里,占全国面积的3%。州内有16个区、10个市、17个县级市、1001个居民点。总人口约120万。

 资源 罗夫诺州有土地面积200.51万公顷,其中50%为农业用地,40%为森林。州内河流密布,河流总长度达3.22万公里。固态矿产有77处,其中包括陶土、砌面石材、建筑石材、石条、泥炭、玻璃原料、水泥原料、碳酸盐原料,还有铜矿床以及含金刚石的岩片等。
经济 州内公路总长7535公里。欧洲国际公路“友谊”石油管道穿过境内。罗州还有一座国际机场。农业是罗夫诺州的基础产业,加工和食品工业发达。州农业优先发展粮食作物、甜菜和蔬菜的种植,肉奶产品生产,以及农业市场基础设施和农村房屋建设。该州畜牧业发达,农作物主要为冬小麦、黑麦、玉米、甜菜、蔬菜和饲料作物。 罗夫诺州积极发展立足于本地原料的新兴工业。较发达的工业产业有木材加工、建筑材料、机械制造、电机工程、化工、轻工业、能源、石材加工业等,其中倡导优先发展的行业为木材加工、电能、食品生产。州内的重点企业有罗夫诺核电站核能公司、开放式股份公司罗夫诺氮肥公司、兹多尔布尼开放式股份公司沃伦水泥公司和它的子公司沃伦石棉水泥板公司等。全州拥有银行机构23家,保险业务代理机构30家。 罗夫诺州拥有良好的自然气候条件、娱乐资源和相当多的治疗用泥炭浆、地下矿泉等,这些为休闲和疗养创造了绝佳的条件。
教育 罗夫诺州教育体系由各种形式、各种学科的教育机构组成。乌克兰国立水利经济与自然资源利用大学有26个专业,罗夫诺国立人文大学下辖艺术学院、心理和师范学院、艺术学校、文化学校,以斯捷攀捷米扬丘克命名的国际大学罗夫诺经济人文学院,现有6个系。
Capital city (regional centre) – Rivne
 Geographical Location Rivne region is situated in the north-western part of Ukraine. The area of the territory is more than 20 thou sq km with the total population over million people. The region borders on Volyn, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Lviv regions. In the north of Rivnenshchyna there is a frontier with Belarus, in particular with Brest and Gomyel regions. The distance from Rivne to Kyiv by rail train is 391 km, by highway 321 km. 4 international transport corridors cross the territory of Rivne region: Crete transport corridor # 3 (Krakowec-Lviv-Rivne-Kyiv), Crete transport corridor # 5 (Kosyn-Chop-Lviv-Rivne-Sarny-Minsk), Europe-Asia (joint with Crete transport corridor # 3), Baltic sea Black sea (Jagodyn-Kovel-Lutsk-Ternopil-ports of Black sea).
 Natural and Recreational Potential Favourable climatic conditions, considerable forest tracts, rivers, lakes, therapeutic peat mud and mineral waters etc. determine the main recreational resources of this land. 171 river with total length of 4459 km flow through Rivne region. The biggest regional lakes are Nobel (with area of 4,7 sq km) and Bile (with area of 4,5 sq km). The area of regional forest resources is 853 thou hectares. Rivne region has 309 territories and objects of natural reserve resources including.
Minerals Rivne land is famous with its deposits of minerals. Nowadays raw material potential of the region includes more than 600 explored mineral deposits of state and local importance. Polissya bowels are rich in kaolin, facing, sown and building stones. There are considerable fields of raw materials for the manufacture of mineral fibre, brick and tiled ware, cement and glassware, agrochemical goods and carbonates. The deposits of native copper are discovered in the region. However, the most unique fields from the geological point of view are deposits of basalt and amber.
 Economics Rivnenshchyna is an industrial and agricultural region. The main products of the region are: electricity, fertilizers, cement, glass, chipboard, plywood, non-woven materials, high-voltage electrical equipment, sugar, milk and meat. In compliance with the measures of the Strategy of economic and social development of Rivne region till 2015 "Western Gate", many plants realize a number of projects for technical re-equipment, introduction of modern technologies, and creation of new industries. In particular, PJSC "Rivneazot" put into operation new units, which gave an opportunity to increase the amount of ammonia production. The company also started a generator turbine for steam utilization from aggregates of ammonia and nitric acid, which will save energy by producing its own electricity. The investment project "Implementation of hydrogen extraction from blower gases of ammonia manufactory unit" is still in progress. An export-oriented Ltd. "Morgan Feniche", which produces upholstered furniture, was created at idle production areas of PJSC "Rivnesilmash". The company provided workplaces for 360 locals. It is expected to create nearly one thousand workplaces by 2015. A modern enterprise LLC "T-Style", which has the only in Ukraine full cycle line for stockinet of German company "Vruckner" was created on the production area of Rivne flax factory. PJSC "Volyn-Cement" continues to implement the investment project "Technical upgrading of milling section." Construction of the waste processing plant is completed, and installation of equipment is in process. Technology of production provides solid waste processed into substance, which will be used as an alternative fuel for PJSC "Volyn-Cement". In September 2012, modern computerized elevator complex of LLC "Radyvylivskyi elevator" with total area of 49 thousand square meters was put into service. The turnover of the elevator (grain pass) will be around 100 thousand tons per year. The company installed equipment of American firms Behlen and Intersystems.
Foreign Trade and Inter-regional Cooperation Rivnenshchyna cooperates with a number of regions abroad on the base of agreement on co-operation. In particular, there are agreements and memoranda with the representatives of the following regions: Warmian-Masurian and Lublin Voivodeships in Poland, Zhejiang Province in China, Astrakhan Region in Russian Federation, and Brest Region in Belarus. The spheres of cooperation include economics, investment, culture, green tourism, environment, education, renewable energy, etc. Rivne region also participates in the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Historical and Cultural Heritage, Tourism There are 1476 culture and art institutions of all the systems and departments, among them 11 of regional subordination. In particular, there are 3 historical and cultural reserves, 8 museums, 34 schools of aesthetic education. There are 2 theatres (music and drama, and puppet theatre) and regional Philharmonic society in Rivne. 8 castles - architectural monuments of national importance are situated in Rivne region. Unique castle culture, which had a defensive importance, is typical for Rivne region. It is most vividly represented in Tarakaniv fort, Dubno and Ostroh castles, Mezhyrich monastery-fortress. There are 53 hotels, 30 convalescent homes and recreation institutions, 78 farms in the region. Rivne region has rich cultural traditions, which are carefully preserved and multiplied. In particular, Rivne region is known for its festivals. Throughout the years a number of festivals, well-known among the enthusiasts of Ukrainian traditions and culture are held in the area. In particular, they include folklore festival Koliada, festival of child choral singing Vesniani dzvinochky, festival of youth traditional folk culture Drevlianski dzherela, festival of student theatres of pop miniatures Shalantukh, international festival of children's folklore Kotyt'sya Torba, all-ukrainian competition of young performers on copper horns after Vyacheslav Starchenko and etc. The Ukrainian young amateur film festival DVERY which appeared in the region last year also masterfully made itself known. This year, one more project appeared among others by the way, it is for the first time in Ukraine - an archaeological grand-festival Rus' Peresopnytska. The Forum brought together well-known archaeologists of Lviv, Volyn, Rivne. The region has a great number of places attractive for tourism and excursions. The most famous ones among the admirers of Ukrainian history are the following: State historical and cultural reserve in Ostroh, State historical and cultural reserve in Dubno, historical and memorial reserve Pole Berestetskoyi Bytvy, V century Lutsk Gate, VV centuries St. Trinity monastery-fortress etc. Within the framework of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of Peresopnytsia Gospel at the end of August in 2011 there was a Peresopnytsia Cultural and Archaeological Centre opened in Peresopnytsia village (Rivne region). The President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych took part in the opening ceremony and the celebration in general. From now on the exact copy of the Facsimile Edition of the Peresopnytsia Gospel will stay in the museum of the Ukrainian old print of the Peresopnytsia Gospel which is the part of the centre. The President of Ukraine holily handed it over to the Museum during the opening of the centre. A portal Volyn' tourism will help to travel in historical Volyn', Rivne, and in particular, to learn more about interesting objects and artefacts of protoslavic, Slavic period, the times of Cossacks and modern times. (http://www.volyntravel.com.ua)
 Educational and Scientific Potential Skill level of regional labour force is one of the highest in Western part of Ukraine. 50 thou students study in 20 educational establishments of -IV accreditation levels including. Among the educational establishments well-known in Ukraine and abroad, there are National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use, Rivne State Humanitarian University, National University Ostroh Academy. The scientists of regional educational establishments communicate with educational institutions of Poland, Germany, USA, France, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Algeria, Canada, Russia, Republic of Belarus. This communication contributes to further integration of the region to world science. Higher educational establishments fulfill functions of educational and research centers. 13 organizations of sciences conduct scientific and technical research and elaboration in the region.
Famous Personalities Prince, Kyiv voyevoda, well-known poltical and cultural activist Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi (1526 - 1608), a duchess, first woman, is a patron of art of higher education in Europe, spivzasnovnicya of Ostroz'koy of Academy of Gal'shka Ostroz'ka (1539 - 1582, born in Ostrog), professor of Academy of sv. Luke (Rome) Tomash Oscar Sosnovskiy (1810 - 1886, born in Novomalin village Ostrog region), painter, teacher Hryhorij Ciss (1869 - 1935, born in Rivne), composer, folk artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State bonus of Ukraine Herman Zhukovskiy (1913 1976, born in Radiviliv), Leonid Kravchuk, the first President of independent Ukraine (1934, born in Velykyi Zhytyn village, Rivne region), scientist Nobel prize-winner (1992) Grygoryi Kharpak (1924 2010, born in town Dubrovicya), Anna Khlistunova, multiple champion in swimming, double Europe champion, record holder in EC (born 1987 in Rivne), world champion from the cycle racing on a highway Serhij Gonchar (born 1970 in Rivne).