
简介 扎波罗热(Zaporozhye),位于乌克兰的南部黑土区,距首都基辅450公里,濒临亚速海。面积2.72万平方公 里,人口近300万,下辖20个区,14个市,263个村,1939年1月设州,首府扎波罗热市。扎波罗热州是乌克兰工农业基础较为雄厚的地区之一。人口排乌克兰第九位,工业总量排第一,人均制造业附加值排第二(仅居基辅之后)。地形大部平坦,东部有海拔200-220米的丘陵。矿藏有褐煤、铁、锰等。温带大陆性气候,工业发达,以机械制造(电机、汽车和农机等)、金属加工、钢铁、化学、电力为主。农业高度机械化,是乌克兰重要商品粮(小麦、玉米、大麦)基地,肉乳畜牧业亦盛。主要城市有别尔迪扬斯克、梅利托波尔等。

 历史 1921年前称亚历山德罗夫斯克,是乌克兰南部地区的行政、文化和工业中心,铁路枢纽。15世纪扎波罗热建立了乌克兰的哥萨克营地,成为哥萨克的政治中心,在16-17世纪乌克兰民族解放运动中起过重要作用。被前苏联列为工业战略基地之一,1927年开始兴建第聂伯水电站,是当时欧洲最大的水电站。同期,新型的电力企业综合体快速发展。 除了二战期间的中断外,扎波罗热州经济和文化发展在现代得到高速发展,第聂伯水电站建成运行,钢铁和有色金属企业蓬勃发展。1950年前,全州共有670座轻、重工业工厂,1950-1970年,州内又新建了电力技术和化工工业厂家,第聂伯水电站2期,扎波罗热热电站和扎波罗热核电站也陆续投入使用。
自然环境 扎波罗热州经济地理位置优越,全州分为三个自然农业带:草原带(50.8%),干旱草原带(34.8%),干草原带(14.4%)。自然气候适合各种农作物生长,产量高。 扎州气候温和,温带大陆性气候,全年夏季平均气温+ 22°С,冬季-4,5°С,1月份平均气温为-4℃∽-5℃,7月为22∽24℃。全年平均日照时间225天,年平均降水量为300-450毫米。 全州自然景观丰富,黑土地土质肥沃。富有各种矿藏,占全乌总量分别为:伟晶岩 - 88.06%,磷灰石 - 63.42%,锰矿石 - 69.1%,二级高岭土 - 22.9%,粘土质 - 8.6%。 适宜的气候和优越的地理位置使扎州成为乌克兰有名的旅游胜地。第聂伯河和亚速海沿岸是国内外旅游者休闲度假的好地方。109条大小河流流经扎波罗热州,其中第聂伯河是欧洲第三大河流,是乌克兰内河交通动脉。第聂伯河上兴建了许多水库,支撑着全州的工业发展。前苏联时期第一个五年计划修建的最大的水电站第聂伯河水电站就位于扎波罗热州。
交通 扎州交通十分便宜,有设施比较完善的航空、铁路、高速公路与外界紧密相连,公路线长6683公里,通往全州所有居民点,许多重要公路干线通过扎波罗热州:敖德萨-梅利托波尔-新阿佐夫斯克,哈尔科夫-辛菲罗波尔-塞瓦斯托波尔,鲍里斯波尔-第聂伯彼得洛夫斯-扎波罗热。公路干线通往乌克兰和独联体各国工业中心城市。公路交通主要承担客运和货运,近年来国际运输不断发展。 扎波罗热州别尔江斯克国际机场设施先进,是乌克兰客流量最大的机场之一。运营通往扎波罗热州的国际航空公司有:汉莎航空、奥地利航空、欧洲之翼等。航班可直飞首都基辅和俄罗斯首都莫斯科。 该州航运较为发达,欧洲第三大河第聂伯河流经该州,亚速海水运可以通达黑海、地中海。扎波罗热的货运港口承担着全州绝大部分工业产品的运输,包括冶金产品。别尔江斯克海港(通住亚速海)是扎波罗热州的海上门户。可接纳和停靠河轮和海轮。 全州通信建设发达,移动通讯便利,因特网和在线服务覆盖到生活的方方面面。
艺术 扎州有着浓厚的文化艺术氛围,各类剧院、博物馆、俱乐部遍布全州。扎波罗热交响乐团是世界上最好的乐团之一。
经济产业 扎州的工业和农业经济比较发达,综合经济实力在乌克兰居第四位。这里煤、铁资源丰富,工业以电力、黑色与有色冶金、化工、电子、机械制造、汽车、玻璃、纺织、建材、食品加工为主,工业总产值在全州国内生产总值的46%。该州生产的大型变压器、汽车和飞机发动机在世界上享有盛誉。扎州是乌克兰著名的冶金城,扎波罗热钢铁厂、第聂伯特殊钢厂等生产的钛合金为国家的航天和导弹工业作出了巨大贡献。这里的核电站发电量占全乌克兰的25%。扎州是乌克兰南部重要的农业区,盛产小麦、玉米、向日葵、亚麻等。蔬菜种植与畜牧业等也较为发达。农业总产值在全州经济中所占比重为15.1%。作为世界上最温暖海洋的亚速海海产品也十分丰富。 扎州拥有相当的科技开发实力,有50多家科研机构在从事新材料、电子、半导体、冶金、变压器、航空发动机、生态灾难检测系统等的开发与研制工作,在某些领域达到或领先于世界水平。
教育 扎波罗热州有16所大学,主要包括扎波罗热国立大学、科技大学、师范大学、工程学院、医科大学、法律学院、行政管理学院、经济与信息技术学院等。
交往 自2002年4月重庆与扎波罗热州正式建立友好城市关系,双方签署了在贸易、商会、教育、文化等领域的合作协议。两市州在摩托车、润滑油、钢材贸易,文化、教育等领域有着良好的合作关系。
Zaporizhzhya Region is one of the impotant components of economic potential of Ukraine. For years of independence of our country the regional enterprises passed the difficult way of overcoming of economic crisis, deep reformation of property relations, structural and technological reconstruction, developing of new markets of sale and adaptation to the conditions of the market state of affairs.
12 years ago the majority of regional industrial enterprises performed the task of defense departments. It seems at first that it will prevent to re-orientation of production. However by results of the year 2002 the index of the regional industrial production by comparison with the year 1990 made 100,6% in the comparative prices. And the volume of industrial production is constantly extended here for already last seven years.
The ninth place in Ukraine by number of population, first place by industrial production volume per capita and third place by general industrial production volume in operating prices (after Donetsk and Dnipropetrovs'k regions) is the economic rating of Zaporizhzhya Region today.
The metallurgical and metal-working enterprises (40%) prevail among the industrial enterprises of the region as well as the machine-building enterprises make 21%, enterprises on production and supply of electric power – 21% and share of food industry – 7%.
The metallurgical complex remains the most important branch of heavy industry. The leader of metallurgy of Ukraine is the JSC "Zaporizhzhya Iron and Steel Works "Zaporizhstal". The International Iron and Steel Institute, IISI includes it in the top biggest 80 iron and steel works in the world. The share of this enterprise makes 69% in the branch in particular and 24% in the general regional volume on the whole. In 2002 the works provided 35% of internal market demands with steel production and the customers of the Zaporizhstal are pipe and machine-building enterprises.
The JSC "Electric Iron and Steel Works "Dneprospetsstal" named after O. M. Kuzmin is the unique Ukrainian manufacturer of high rolled stock plates and forged products from the special steel brands. The production of 800 steel brands has been mastered there, including more than 50 tool steel brands. For satisfaction of growing demand in tool and nonrusting steel the workshop of powder metallurgy was commissioned.
The JSC "Zaporizhzhya Ferro Alloy Plant" is one of the three powerful national manufacturers of ferro alloys and the monopolist on production of ferrosilicon and unique manufacturer of ferro manganese (80%) and manganese metal (90%) in Ukraine.
The share of Zaporizhzhya ferro alloy makers in production of their branch is almost 13%. The production has a stable demand on the national and foreign markets.
The JSC "Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Integrated Works" is the unique Ukrainian manufacturer of primary aluminium, alumina of metallurgical and special brands; alloyed aluminium alloys for motor-car and agricultural machine-building industries. The integrated works produces consumer goods also.
The Government-Run Enterprise "Zaporizhzhya Titanium and Magnesium Integrated Works" is the unique Ukrainian manufacturer of metallic spongy titanium. Its project capacity makes 20 thousand tons per year. The products are exported mainly to the Western countries. The enterprise covers 14% of sales volume of commercial products on the national market. The machine-building industry has the great importance in providing of sustainable social and economic development of the region. This is a biggest branch of the industry by number of workers (76 thousand persons). The enterprises of the branch provide more than 21% of the total regional industrial production volume.
The JSC "Motor Sich" is reliable and economic engines for aircrafts and helicopters. The enterprise masters new types of aviation engines for modern aircrafts as TU-334, AN-70, BE-200 and Yak-130. The industrial gas-turbine equipment and commodities of public consumption is produced also. By order of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine the Motor Sich has been chosen as the main enterprise for implementation of actions planned in following sections as engine-building and helicopter-building within the Government Complex Programme of Aviation Industry Development of Ukraine till 2010.
The Joint-Stock Company with Foreign Investment "Zaporizhzhya Motor-Car Plant" is the most national manufacturer of passenger cars. The share of the enterprise in the general regional volume makes 10%. The plant is one of the main performers of the Government Programme of Further Development of Motor-Car Industry of Ukraine. Except for the output of traditional models and their new modifications, the transition to the mass production of the Opel and Mercedes cars is planned.
The JSC "Zaporizhzhya Transformer Plant" is one of the powerful specialized enterprises in the world on production, supply and maintain of practically all types of transformers of the general and special purpose. The Russian Federation covers about 24% of its total sales volume.
Lately the industrial enterprises of the region improved their social orientation. For seven months of 2003 by comparison with the proper period of previous year the output of non-food stuffs has increased by 2.3 times as well as food stuffs by almost 36%. The assortment of food stuffs makes about one thousand names. The production of the JSC "Brewery and Bottling Plant "Slavutich", JSC "Zaporizhzhya Oil and Fat Plant", JSC "Zaporizhzhya Confectionary", Pologivskiy Oil-Extraction Plant (Trade Mark "Slavia"), Zaporizhzhya and Melitopol meat-packing plants has sustainable demand on the national and foreign markets.
The higher concentration and passing ahead rates of development of industrial production of the region conditioned the row of problems. It is the high level of wear of fixed assets in the metallurgical complex (from 46% in the Zaporizhstal and Aluminium Integrated Works up to 82% in the «Dneprospetsstal» Plant). This index is higher in the machine-building industry: ZAZ – 53%, Motor Sich – 56%, Zaporizhtransformator – 61% and locomotive repair plant – 87%. So the ecological situation in the region is difficult.
The agroindustrial complex is the important component of economy of Zaporizhzhya Region. By production of grain the region takes tenth place among regions of Ukraine as well as third place by production of sunflower seed. The financial results of menage became better. Already the third year in succession the agricultural production of the region is profitable. The number of effectively operating agricultural enterprises has been increased by 70%. The intensive science-capacity technologies, hi-tech sorts and hybrids of agricultural crops are introduced; the new breeds of animals, resource conservation systems of agriculture and technical base are renewed.
By volumes of capital building investments the region takes the sixth place in Ukraine. For the last five years the fixed capital has been increased by almost 6.5 billion hryvna and the volume of capital assets put into operation in actual cost made 6 billion hryvna. For 12 years almost 3.7 million sq.m of habitation was put into service and so the habitation conditions for 60 thousand families have been improved. The Special Purpose Programmes as Rural Court and Available Habitation for Young Zaporizhzhya Family are under development; the apartments for servicemen are built. The objects of public utilities are put into service; the water and gas supply of rural districts is on; the social sphere is developed; the transport problems in the regional center are solved. The special attention is paid to gasification. At expense of all sources of financing 1.5 thousand km of gas networks and main gas pipelines were built for the last 12 months.
Zaporizhzhya Region thanks to the powerful industrial and scientific and technical potential, presence of natural resources, home energy resources, availability of markets of Ukraine and the CIS, well-developed transport infrastructure and banking system is one of the most investment attractive regions. It is enough only to mark that by volume of foreign investments the region takes the fourth place in Ukraine, and per capita makes $214 that considerably exceeds an average Ukrainian index.
The privatization is one of the head stones of market development of regional economy. For the last ten years 3389 enterprises changed the form of property here, including almost 70% are the objects of municipal property and more than 30% – state-owned property.
The small business is intensively developed. For the last three years the quantity of small enterprises made 10 thousand units (growth of 60%) and the number of new businessmen makes 75 thousand people nowadays. Almost 18% economic active population of the region is engaged in this sphere today. All these actions are subordinated to the main task – the increase of standard of life of population. It was succeeded to do the real steps on this way. For the last seven years the average monthly wage in the region has been increased by almost six times. In January-July, 2003 the average monthly wage in the region made 511.05 hryvna and this is bigger by 20% in comparison with the proper period of last year. The nominal wage in July, 2003 made 565.03 hryvna (third place in Ukraine after the city of Kyiv and Donetsk Region) that exceeds a living wage by 54.8%. The situation on the labour market is stable and under control. The registered unemployment rate as of 01.08.2003 made 3.2% against 3.4% at the beginning of the year.
All of this is only the small share of everyday selfless labour of Zaporizhzhya inhabitants for the sake of their future.