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"Vyrobnyk plyus“, LLC

Soyuz cond logo

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Vyrobnyk plyus“
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
31, Cherkasova str.
Kriviy Rig (克里沃罗格)
Dnepropetrovsk region (第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克地区)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 564 35 15 43
+380 564 35 15 45
+380 44 209 07 11
+380 50 133 90 50
+380 67 553 99 01
Valentin Polyuhovich - Director

Dmitry Miroshnikov, CEO of the Ukrainian Intensive Exports Program
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类


19053100 00 甜饼干

19054000 00 面包干,吐司及类似的烤面包


Cookies, Cupcake, Ring shaped crackers, Rusks

Soyuz cond collage 1
Soyuz cond collage 2

Company Information:

Ukrainian brand “SOYUZ-KONDITER" was established in 2005. Now - this is one of the fastest growing brands in the confectionary category such as oatmeal and corn rich cookies, rusks and ring shaped crackers.

Our company has several of its own production facilities in the Dnepropetrovsk region, own sales platform in Kiev, well-developed distribution network overall territory of Ukraine, as well as actively uses its export potential, mainly in countries of the European Union. Our own teams of regional and brand managers carry out management and administration of the sales system.

We are positioning our products in the middle price segment with a focus on decent quality.

Many people are surprised: "how Oatmeal Cookies could be so different?" However, we were always sure-any (simple and complex) product can do much better! Our company does not use neither technology nor approaches, neither strategy used on conventional bakeries and confectioneries. We are not only professionally engaged in our product, but also continually invest in our technology and staff.

"Vyrobnyk plyus“ LLC is the largest producer of oatmeal cookies on the territory of Ukraine the last 7 years, which is why we have the highest quality product; approach to the production of globally and collect customer information from all regions; We make cookies for all categories of customers (children, adults, elderly). Presented in every region of Ukraine (45 distribution companies) and in 10 countries around the world.

Want to inform:

Supermarket chains:

Medium-and low-quality products mostly filled store shelves. Category managers are always on the lookout for the best product at a fair price, product, where quality is higher than price. Try our product. You, more than anyone, know - a good product sold a lot.


Switch on the sale of a new type of Oatmeal Cookies, as well as professionally produced corn rich cookies, rusks and ring shaped crackers.

We offer you the best and lighter sales in comparison with analogues produced in bakeries and ordinary confectionery factories.

Working with Ukrainian brand “SOYUZ-KONDITER" you will get:
- Concentrated thoughtful assortment, and, as a consequence, a good volume of sales;
- Professional, effective support from regional and brand managers;
- Constant sales growth at the expense of the efforts and resources of the manufacturer.


Dear exporters!  Products of Ukrainian brand “SOYUZ-KONDITER" always has a fair and transparent price. Our quality is much higher than our prices. Working with us, you get only the best natural products of Ukraine - a country with enormous confectionery traditions.

We believe Ukrainian brand “SOYUZ-KONDITER" will take a leading position in your country. The main thing - do not consider your country to the poor, give an opportunity to people with low incomes and bring you money.

To competitors:

Dear manufacturers in the same segment. Let's get together with us to be proud of their product. Otherwise, we will never digress the young people - from humiliation to consume low-grade food. Path in "worse and more cheaply" dead-end. Urge all national confectionery business to increase the share of natural, delicious and safe products. "Made in Ukraine" should sound proudly.

To our dear buyers:

Dear men and women as well as children. Many of you who says: "I generally don't eat Oatmeal Cookies», has the opportunity and joy try the products brand “SOYUZ-KONDITER" and understand that this is not" Oatmeal Cookies for grandmothers with "two teeth, that is delicious, healthy and inexpensive product a new type that is both a confectionery product and food.


Trust and recommendations of our customers have a place with powerful intellectual, financial and technological investment for our company.

Naturally, the company and its brand are awards. However, the main reward for us is your choice.