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公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Fine organic synthesis plant "Barva"
封闭型股份公司 (Private joint stock company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
58 Galytska str.
Tysmenytsia district
Ivano-Frankivsk region (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克地区)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 342 50 68 63

+380 342 50 68 60
Roman Kashchyshyn - Director 

公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类


3402130090 其他非离子型有机表面活性剂
Nonionic surfactants: agents OS-25, OS-25 /PE, OS-50, OS-80

39072090 00 初级形状的其他聚醚
Polyethylene glycols: PEG-200, PEG-300, PEG-400, PEG-600, PEG-1000, PEG-1500, PEG-2000, PEG-4000, PEG-6000, PEG-8000, PEG-9000

Polyethyleneglycol (PEG)
Non-ionic surface-active agent
CAS: 25322-68-3

Ethoxylated fatty alcohols C16-C18
Non-ionic surface-active agent
CAS: 68439-49-6

Ethoxylated fatty alcohols C12-C14
Non-ionic surface-active agent
CAS: 68213-23-0

85% mixture of ethanolamines
CAS: 141-43-5
Ethanolamines are used in purification processes in the preparation of pure carbon dioxide, in the textile and cement industries. Ethanolamine is also a raw material in the chemical and petrochemical industry.
Under normal conditions ethanolamines are not subject of polymerization, oxidation, hydrolysis or degradation. Monoethanolamine and triethanolamine are easily soluble in water and alcohol. Diethanolamine is soluble in alcohol and poor soluble in water.
All ethanolamines absorb CO from the atmosphere, react with fatty acids, creating soaps, esters, amides, and their reactivity ability decreases from monoethanolamine to triethanolamine.

Block-copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide
PM-series Demulsifiers are used for dehydration and desalting of oil in oil production and refining by means of thermal and electric dehydration.
The required dosage depends on the stability of emulsions, process temperature, water separation time and the expected result.
Optimal application of demulsifiers is defined upon test results of fresh emulsion.
PM-series Demulsifiers in a wide concentration range do not cause an increase of petroleum products conversion in wastewater.

Methoxy-polyethyleneglycol (MPEG)
Surfactant based on ethylene oxide and methanol
CAS: 9004-74-4
MPEG is used in the production of superplasticizers for concrete.

JSC Fine organic synthesis plant "Barva" specializes in surfactants production based on ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.

Over 80% of products are exported. The main market is EU countries. Significant volumes of products are exported to south-east Asia.

Most customers serve detergent, rubber, textile and cosmetic industries.

JSC "Barva" is the only company of its kind in Ukraine.

The company occupies a large area - about 140 hectares and has a well-developed infrastructure: own railway branch, railway tanks, a significant fleet of containers for storing of raw materials and finished products, domestic production of technical gases. Production is fully automated.

Based on years of experience our team is happy to provide professional advice and excellent service.