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Dovira logo 2

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Clothing factory "Dovira"
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
117, Oblisky Str.
Dolyna (多利納)
Ivano-Frankivsk region (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克地区)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 3477 277 58 

+380 50 672 30 60
Ruslan Shumylo - director
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

6203 男式西服套装、便服套装、上衣、长裤、护胸背带工装裤、马裤及短裤(游泳裤外)

6211 运动服、滑雪服及游泳服;其他服装

Jackets, Pants, Overalls, Smocks

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Clothing factory was put into operation in 1976. The company employed 1,200 people. The major customers were the Ministry of Defence of the Soviet Union and power structures. The company specializes in tailoring of a work clothing for various professions (doctors, employees of factories, plants, etc.). From 2013 “Clothing factory “Dovira” has operated as a limited liability company.


Today the company employs 340 people.
Age structure of employees:
20-29 years old-20%;
30 – 39 years-25%;
40 – 49 years-45%;
50 and older-10%.
According to the gender:
Women – 95%, men-5%.
Clothing factory consists of: two buildings with total area of 2800 sq.m. territory of the factory - 1.7 hectares.
The first building is a four-storey administrative one, where the management bodies, accountancy, medical center, and household premises. are placed.
The second building is a three-storey production one:
- the tailoring workshop,
- the sewing workshop №1,
- the sewing workshop №2,
- the experimental workshop,
- the embroidery workshop,
- the accessories warehouse;
- the warehouse of the readymade products.
Since 1998 the clothing factory has operated on the basis of supplied raw materials. During this time the partners LLC “Clothing factory “Confidence” have been such companies as: “Alsico” (Belgium), “The Mascot”, “Sallinen” (Denmark), “Gemor Fashion” (Slovakia), “Teamdress Rofa” (Germany). Today the enterprise closely cooperates with the German partners “3Punkt” and “Uvex”. Experts of the clothing factory have mastered the manufacture of over 2,000 models of winter and summer work clothes (overalls, half-overalls, jackets, trousers, waistcoats).


The company has a powerful material and technical equipment. It is about a large and diverse stock of sewing equipment by the leading firms of the world.
The number of sewing machines is 423units, among which: “Juki” - 90 units, “Durkopp” - 30 units, “Textima” - 30 units, “Sun Star” - 20.units, “Pfaff” - 12 units, “Brother” - 20 units, “Siruba” - 3 units, “Tupical” - 3 units, and universal (852 cl-52 units, 862 cl-40 units, 1022 cl - 170 units, 1597 cl-42units.).
- special waist-band;
- clipping;
- looping;
- buttoning
- presses for sticking logos;
- machines for grinding metal buttons;
- embroidery machine “Brothers” with 6 heads.
There are 6 flooring tables with the length of 12 meters in the tailoring workshop. On each table there is a hand knife for tailoring the flooring into pieces. Details of tailoring are cut with the tailoring tape machines produced in Germany.

Today the enterprise is open to cooperation both on the internal and on the external market of the manufacture of Work clothes.

Material-technical base, great experience of the staff are ready to manufacture work clothes of any complexity.

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