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"Syntelon UA" Ltd.

Sintelon logo

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Syntelon UA"
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
10b Promyslova str.
Kalush (卡卢什)
Ivano-Frankivsk region (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克地区)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 3472 7 01 33

3472 7 81 77

3472 2 32 34
Roman Vyshynskyi  - Director 

Regina Vyshinska

联系电话: +380 3472 6 04 65

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5703 簇绒地毯及纺织材料的其他簇绒铺地制品,不论是否制成的

Textile covering

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Sintelon Carpet Division is a manufacturer of textile floor coverings – tufted carpets and needlepunched floorings for the house and apartment as well as for the commercial facilities. It combines two production factories manufacturing textile floor coverings: Sintelon.RS doo, based in Serbia (Bačka Palanka) and Sintelon UA OOO located in Ukraine (Kalush).

After decades of experience in the carpets production as the finished products, we produce semi-products as well, used in the production of carpets: masterbatch, filament, felt, primary and secondary backing.

We have been following the market for over forty years now, carefully selecting the best quality of raw materials, following modern technological innovations and fashion trends, keeping environment responsibly and creating carpets in various designs, structure and applications. Our range of carpets is present on the market under brand Sintelon.

All products have CE mark, as well as the Certificate in compliance with technical regulations on fire protection for the Russian market. We follow the standards in functioning our organization and improve the processes within it – meet the standards ISO 9001, 14001 as well as OHSAS 18001.

If you want to contact us, please call or send an e-mail, it will be our pleasure to answer your questions.

Our Vision

Our textile floor coverings – the solution for all contemporary distribution channels in residential and commercial segments on the Eastern European markets.

Our Mission

We are building trust of our partners and end users by creating modern and sustainable solutions in the domain of textile floor coverings.

Our Values
• Positive customer attitude
• Team spirit
• Empowerment and accountability
• Respect and integrity
• Commitment to the environment

The Policy of Quality

The policy of quality, environment protection and occupational health and safety

ISO Certificates

In order to constantly improve its own processes, the company Sintelon.RS coordinate own operations with internationally standards. Thanks to the continuously focus on quality management systems, environmental management, safety and health at work of its employees, Sintelon.RS meet standards:
• ISO 9001 - Quality Management System
• ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
• OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety System

CE certificates – Reaction to fire

As floor coverings are construction materials, it is necessary to be followed by certificate with reaction to fire, as evidence of compliance with CE regulations in EU countries.

In the group of commercial products Sintelon.RS (carpet for commercial and public spaces), there are two subgroups that differ in fire class. Currently product Matrix meets Bfl certificate, while the remaining commercial carpets possess Cfl certificate.

Validity of the certificate (recertification) for Cfl and Bfl reaction to fire, has been checking annually. Accreditation board issues the recognition of the validity of the certificate (Acknowledgement).