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August-Kiy Ltd.

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公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)

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公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
9 Lugova Str.
Kyiv, (基辅)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 67 404 60 62
Vitalii, International Trade Manager

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公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

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公司提供的商品及其编码 公司提供的服务及其编码

1005> 玉米
10082900 00 其他谷子
11010000 01 小麦或混合麦的细粉
11041200 00 滚压或制片的燕麦
11042910 00 经其他加工的大麦
11042990 00 经其他加工的其他谷物
11061000 00 干豆细粉、粗粉及粉末
17011200 01 未加香料或着色剂的甜菜原糖
2304> 提炼豆油所得的油渣饼及其他固体残渣,不论是否碾磨或制成团粒
23063000 00 葵花子油渣饼及固体残渣

- 通常大批购进货物并将其出售给其他企业,有时将大包装货物拆散改为较小包装后出售的批发商的服务


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The main purpose of our company is  providing the population with the basic foodstuffs of agricultural origin - groats, flour, sugar in a high-quality and  easy-to-use packaging, as well as supporting the domestic producers of agricultural products.

We offer reasonable prices for our products. This commodity group isn’t chosen by chance!

Our product - is a guarantee of healthy and beneficial food, and therefore human health and longevity. Enjoy good health!

"August-Kiy" LTD. has its own fleet of branded trucks that can deliver and implement logistics services at optimal terms and without unnecessary costs and expenses.

Professional line for packaging of foodstuffs makes it possible to pack all types of cereals, sugar, pasta, sunflower seeds and any other confectionery products in polypropylene packages of different sizes and any weight.

We have wide experience and capabilities of agricultural goods selling abroad to Europe, America and Asia.

Management system for Food Safety ISO 22000:2005  has been introduced and maintained in our Company since 2013.

"August-Kiy" offers the following products of own production - starch, peas, buckwheat, corn, semolina, oats, barley, wheat and barley; millet, rice, elite, long grain, kruglozerny, parboiled, basmati and brown Jasmine rice; seeds, sea salt, vinegar, breadcrumbs, oats and buckwheat flakes. More detail You can find on the next page.

Company "August-Kiy" offers to buy products of TM "Formula for health" in our company's Internet shop.

The company's policy

“August-Kiy” LTD policy is intended to meet the consumers’ requirements and expectations by focusing on quality and safety of production, development of new technologies and flexible pricing policy.

We consider the high technical level and quality of production with their continuous improvement as the main condition for holding the leading position in the market of packaged groats and sugar, reinforcement of economic position, development of distribution network, expansion of production capacity and further development of the enterprise.

The social policy of LTD “August-Kiy” is directed toward staff retention, development of friendly relationships between the co-workers, understanding of the common purpose and continuous personal improvement.

We achieve the high level of satisfaction among the consumers and customers due to:
- absolute compliance with international and Ukrainian legislative and regulatory requirements for food safety, as well as customers’ and consumers’ relevant requirements;
- development of partner relationships with suppliers and customers, as well as strengthening “August-Kiy” LTD reputation as a manufacturer of quality and safety products under its own trademarks and partners' brands (Private Label);
- implementation of international standard DSTU ISO 22000:2007 (ISO 22000:2005) НАССР system to 31.12.2010;
- application of modern equipment and facilities for the output of quality and safety products;
- professional staff, interested in work results;
- procurement of raw and high quality materials through a selection system and evaluation of suppliers and their work;
- continuous analysis of “August-Kiy” LTD activity in compliance with consumers’ demands and expectations in order to improve the enterprise performance.

“August-Kiy” LTD has all necessary technical and human resources to ensure the execution of quality and safety policy. Company’s management undertakes:
- to consider as priority the issues of implementation of HACCP system and DSTU standard ISO 22000:2007;
- to ensure participation of all personnel of the enterprise – from the director to the ordinary worker in implementation of the given policy;
- clearly allocate the responsibility of all activities in conjunction with the development of cooperation and mutual assistance between the coworkers;
- continuously improve the production facilities, technology and infrastructure;
- to conduct the marketing researches of market demand with further analysis and adjustments for enterprise development;
- to provide moral and material interest of all employees in improving the manufactured product.

“August-Kiy” LTD policy is brought to the attention of employees and other stakeholders.


Our company has its own fleet of branded trucks that can deliver and implement logistics services at optimal terms and without unnecessary costs and expenses.

Thanks to the professionalism of our employees, we do not carry out  only cargo transportation, but also ensure safety, timeliness of delivery and economic benefit from the transportation of our products to You by road transport.

Our team of experienced logisticians will find the best option for cargo delivery and transportation of goods. They will perform the calculations on the costs for transporting goods depending on the type of transport and volume of cargo.