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"Agrex" LLC

Agrex logo

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
有限公司 (Limited Liability Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
6, M.Gaytsana str., office 4
Kyiv, (基辅)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 44 594 68 98
Korostev Igor - First Deputy General Director
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类
公司提供的商品及其编码 公司提供的服务及其编码

1512 葵花油、红花油或棉子油及其分离品,不论是否精制,但未经化学改性

2306 品目23042305以外的提炼植物油脂所得的油渣饼及其他固体残渣,不论是否碾磨或制成团粒

2923 季铵盐及季铵碱;卵磷脂及其他磷氨基类脂,不论是否已有化学定义

- 专用罐车铁路运输石油产品(原油、天然气和精炼的石油产品)服务
- 专用罐车铁路运输其他散装液体或燃气服务

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"AGREX" LLC is one of the largest domestic producers of unrefined sunflower oil and sunflower meal. The company`s products are in high demand in all regions of Ukraine and abroad.

The company is a large industrial complex, which is specialized in processing of sunflower seeds by pressing and extraction. Production structure corresponds to the technological requirements of acceptance, cleaning, processing and storage of sunflower seeds and it is represented by the main, auxiliary and service industries.

Currently the company is represented by the following production units:
- Basic: oil extraction production, raw material department, the section of the finished products, technical control department, grain storage;
- Support unit: steam-boiler workshop, machine shop, electric station, control and measuring equipment and automatics workshop, water supply and sewerage workshop, buildings overhaul unit, motor transport section.

Production capacity allows to process up to 160 000 tones of sunflower seeds per season.

The main activities are:
- The production of sunflower oil;
- The production of animal feed;
- Harvesting, storage and marketing of agricultural products;
- Services of the raw materials delivery;
- Services of the products shipment;
- Services of the grain storage.

The applied technology allows producing high-quality products, those keep all the natural properties and taste characteristics for a long time.

The eco-friendly method of production and a significant number of biologically active substances, enzymes and vitamins in products surpass our oil on the vegetable oils market.

We control quality at all stages of production from raw material receipt to shipment of finished products to customers. Quality control is carried out in strict accordance to international systems of ISO 9001 and ISO 22000, and it allows to guarantee quality for consumers around the world. The company has certificates of conformity for unrefined and non-frozen out sunflower oil and untoasted sunflower seed meal.

Most products are shipped to EU countries, China, India, Belarus, Kazakhstan. We also have operating permits for the sale of finished products in the countries: Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.

Our enterprise pays particular attention to the quality management system. The cooperation within company structures in the sunflower oil production allows taking into account the all needs of consumers who use our products.

We are in preparations for increasing the capacity of the plant. The total planned capacity will be 1430 tons per day. New capacity will be provided with modern equipment, which is allowing to save energy and reduce production losses and the costs of maintaining production.

Currently, seed elevator allows to store of 17 000 tones of seeds simultaneously. At the same time oil container allows to store 4000 tones of oil.

"AGREX" LLC and plant "Svatovskoye maslo" takes an active part in the social life of the city. The company has a football team that participates in district, regional competitions and win prizes.

We pay particular attention to social infrastructure: Children`s nursery "Solnyshko" is completely maintained at the expense of the plant.

Plant "Svatovskoye maslo" works since 1903 and nowadays it is one of the leading enterprises of the oil industry in the region.

Field of activity:
- Production of unrefined oil of first grade;
- Production of ordinary and high protein meals;
- Harvesting and processing of grains and oilseeds;
- Services for the shipment of products;
- Services for the storage and shipment of grain and oilseeds.

The company`s mission: We tend constantly improving of oilseeds processing. Our main wealth is people who have experience in the oil and fat industry and who are loyal to the company.

Motto: "There can not be compromises with the quality!"

Our strategic goal is to become a reliable partner for many years for each client: sellers of sunflower raw and buyers of finished products of our company. Openness and mutual cooperation is our credo in relations with customers and the plant staff.

In the long term we aim to become a oilseeds processing plant with daily processing capacity of 1700 tons of oilseeds. The increasing of processing has to proceed with the deepening of processing.