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Konnov & Sozanovsky Attorneys at law

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型


Konnov & Sozanovsky Attorneys at law 律师事务所 (law firm)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人

23 Shota Rustaveli Street, Suite 3,
Kiev, (基辅)
Ukraine (乌克兰)

+380 44 490 54 00 Ivanov Alexey
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http://konnov.com/ 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 英文,俄语,乌克兰



- 关于刑法的咨询、代理、起草文件和有关服务(辩护、寻找证据、证人、专家等)

- 其他法律领域的司法程序方面的咨询、代理、起草和证明文件及其他有关法律服务

- 准司法法庭、机构等的法定程序方面的咨询、代理、起草和证明文件及其他有关法律服务

- 有关专利、版权和其他知识产权的咨询、代理、文件起草和证明及其他有关法律服务
- 有关其他法律文件,如遗嘱、婚约、商业合同、企业章程等的咨询、代理、文件起草和证明及其他有关法律服务

- 包括为解决劳工与管理层之间、企业之间或者个人之间的争端进行仲裁或调解的协助服务

- 暂交第三者保存服务和地产解决服务


Established in 1992, Konnov & Sozanovsky is one of the leading Ukrainian law firms with office in  Russia and representative offices in Cyprus and Great Britain.

Konnov & Sozanovsky provides comprehensive legal assistance to national and foreign clients in the most popular business areas of law such as copyright and media law, competition law, corporate law, real estate, construction and land law, litigation and ADR, intellectual property law, commercial law and contracts, securities and financial institutions, tax law.

We practice an individual approach in each case, taking into consideration the peculiarities of a client’s business and his preferences. Our practice includes provision of legal assistance in various sectors of economy such as advertising and design, agricultural industry, banking, energy and power, food industry, insurance, investment and equity market, light industry, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, publishing, real estate and construction, computer programs, tobacco and spirits, trade and distribution, veterinary science, and land market.

Konnov & Sozanovsky's approach to law is results-oriented. We deliver crisp, corporate legal results on every file; we have a rational fee structure. Our success rests on long-term client-firm relationships predicated on fair, predictable fees. We have a disciplined business culture - we recruit only the best, and instill in them our no-nonsense, client-centered commitment. We follow world-class standards - professional internships, conference participation, and prolific authorship sustains our critical legal edge.

Konnov & Sozanovsky is actively engaged in full panoply of community activity. Konnov & Sozanovsky supports profile legal and business associations, provides financial support of the national teams in international legal competitions, provides university students with the chance to practice or train with any department of the Firm and also acts as a sponsor for public events.

Konnov & Sozanovsky publishes legal news via the Internet on a regular basis. To subscribe, visit us at www.konnov.com. The firm’s lawyers are co-authors of numerous foreign publications. Konnov & Sozanovsky lawyers are experienced legal authors and commentators on various legal and business events which are published in the leading mass-media.

Konnov & Sozanovsky cooperates with large international firms.

Moreover, Konnov & Sozanovsky is the exclusive member of the international legal network, First Law International (FLI), which is comprised of law firms in large global centers, allowing us to render superior legal assistance to clients abroad in more than 60 countries.