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Vasil Kisil and Partners

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公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
Vasil Kisil & Partners
律师事务所 (Law Firm)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
17/52A, B.Khmelnytskoho Street
Kyiv (基辅)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 44 581 77 77
Alexander Borodkin
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类

- 刑法的法律咨询和法定代理服务
- 其他法律领域的司法程序方面的法律
- 咨询和法定代理服务
- 准司法法庭、机构等的法定程序方面的法律咨询和法定代理服务
- 法律文件和证明服务
- 仲裁和调解服务
- 其他未另列明的法律服务
- 财务审计服务
- 会计审查服务
- 财务报表编制服务
- 其他会计服务
- 簿记服务,纳税申报表除外
- 公司税的规划和咨询服务
- 公司税的编制和审查服务
- 个人税的编制和规划服务
- 破产和破产产业的接管服务
- 一般管理咨询服务
- 财务管理咨询服务
- 人力资源管理咨询服务
- 营销管理咨询服务
- 生产管理咨询服务
- 其他管理咨询服务
- 公共关系服务
- 其他商业咨询服务
- 其他未另列明的科学和技术咨询服务
- 电脑硬件咨询系统集成服务
- 电脑软件咨询服务
- 其他电脑咨询服务
- 电脑设施管理服务

- 系统维护服务
- 其他管理服务,建筑项目管理服务除外
- 建筑学咨询和设计前服务
- 建筑学设计和合同管理服务
- 其他建筑学服务
- 城市规划服务
- 景观建筑学服务
- 建筑物综合工程服务
- 土木工程综合工程服务
- 工厂和工业生产流程综合工程服务
- 其他项目综合工程服务
- 关于建筑物施工和项目管理服务
- 关于土木工程施工的项目管理服务
- 关于工厂和工业生产流程施工的项目管理服务
- 关于其他项目施工的项目管理服务
- 建筑物的工程咨询和设计前服务
- 土木工程的工程咨询和设计前服务
- 工厂和工业生产流程的工程咨询和设计前服务
- 其他项目的工程咨询和设计前服务
- 建筑物的工程设计服务
- 土木工程的工程设计服务
- 工厂和工业生产流程的工程设计服务
- 其他项目的工程设计服务
- 建筑物施工和安装阶段的工程服务
- 土木工程施工和安装阶段的工程服务
- 工厂和工业生产流程施工和安装阶段的工程服务
- 其他项目施工和安装阶段的工程服务
- 建筑物的其他工程服务
- 土木工程的其他工程服务
- 工厂和工业生产流程的其他工程服务

- 其他项目的其他工程服务
- 内部设计服务
- 其他专门设计服务
- 地质、地球物理和其他勘探服务
- 地下勘探服务
- 地表勘探服务
- 绘制地图服务
- 天气预报和气象服务
- 成分和纯度检验和分析服务
- 物理性质的检验和分析服务
- 综合机械和电力系统的检验和分析服务
- 道路运输车辆的技术检查服务
- 其他技术检验和分析服务
- 广告的设计、制作和布置服务
- 收取佣金的购买或出售广告空间或时间服务
- 印刷媒体广告空间出售(收取佣金者除外)
- 电视/电台广告时间出售(收取佣金者除外)
- 因特网广告空间出售(收取佣金者除外)
- 其他广告空间或时间出售(收取佣金者除外)
- 其他广告服务
- 市场调研和民意测验服务
- 人像摄影服务
- 广告及有关摄影服务
- 动作摄影服务
- 特技摄影服务
- 照片的复原、复制和修版服务
- 其他摄影服务
- 照片冲洗加工服务
- 笔译和口译服务
- 所有其他未另列明的专业、技术和商业服务

Antitrust and competition
Corporate / M&A
Dispute resolution
Intellectual property
International trade
Labor and employment
Public-private partnerships, Concessions & infrastructure
Real estate & construction
White collar crime
Private clients

Agriculture & food
Consumer goods & retail
Financial institutions
Hotels & leisure
Oil & gas /mining
Raw materials
Real estate & construction
Telecommunications, Media & IT
Transport & infrastructure

VKP is a classic law firm, which operates as a partnership, and shares a common mission, vision and values.

Our mission
We provide our clients with the most effective solutions to their business issues applying our legal expertise.

Our vision
To fulfil our mission, we share a vision of being a diverse-practice independent national firm driven to become the undisputed leader on the Ukrainian market that collaborates effectively with distinguished law firms throughout the world.

Our values
To achieve our vision we have created a unique corporate culture, based on shared values:
- Leadership
- Relations
- Dignity
- Trust
- Responsibility
- Freedom
- Sustainability
- Creativity

Vasil Kisil & Partners Law Firm is a member of the following business associations and unions:
European Business Association (legal partner)
The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine
U.S.-Ukrainian Business Council
Ukrainian National Committee of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Ukraine)

Membership in the international professional associations
TerraLex – The Worldwide Network of Independent Law Firms
International Bar Association (IBA)
International Trademark Association (INTA)
International Fiscal Association (IFA)
Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA)
Ius Laboris

Membership in the national professional associations
Ukrainian Bar Association
Confederation of Builders of Ukraine
Ukrainian Internet Association
Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (legal partner)
The Association of Information Technology Enterprises of Ukraine

Individual membership of VKP lawyers in international professional associations
International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
International Association of the Protection of Intellectual Property Ukrainian group (AIPPI)
International Association of Privacy Professionals
The London Court of International Arbitration

We develop our business and serve our clients through the promotion of values shared by the firm’s partners, employees, and clients. Such approach contributes to the company’s sustainable development, and this is why we focus our CSR activity on the UN’s global Sustainable Development Goals, in particular 3 of them:
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 16: Peace and justice

What we do to attain the global goals in Ukraine:

Legal Education
100+ lectures delivered by VKP’s partners at universities
50 trainees annually
10+ years of cooperation with the Students League of the Ukrainian Bar Association

Starting from 2016, VKP is an organizer of the Ukrainian Pre-Moot of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.

Each year, the firm’s lawyers participate in and act as coaches and judges at international moot competitions, such as:
- Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court;
- Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot;
- Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court;
- Central and East European Moot Court;
- International Air Law Moot Court.

VKP's CSR initiatives aiming to support the Ukrainian culture are designed to promote the development of talents and contribute to the recognition of the Ukrainian culture worldwide. Therefore, VKP:
Acts as a permanent legal advisor to Mystetskyi Arsenal National Art and Culture Museum Complex.
Supports the activities of NGO Responsible Future, a non-governmental organization helping musically gifted children, including those internally displaced from eastern Ukraine and Crimea, to represent Ukraine internationally.

Decent Work
UAH 95 million paid in taxes over the last 5 years.
We offer equal employment opportunities to everyone, irrespective of sex, age, religion, ethnic origin, disability, marital status, social or employment status, or sexual orientation, while assuming responsibility for payment of all taxes, including a military tax.

Economic Growth
Economic growth in any country is possible only provided that small and medium business is developing, workplaces are available and proper working conditions are secured.
We invest our lawyers’ time to provide legal assistance to various Ministries and governmental departments on pro bono terms to help them develop laws. We also provide free-of-charge assistance to foreign investors in Ukrainian law matters acting as a permanent legal advisor to the European Business Association. In particular, our lawyers provide free-of-charge legal advice to the following EBA Committees:
Agrochemical Committee
Electronic Payments Committee
Grain & Oilseed Committee
Wine and Spirits Committee
IT Committee
Dairy Committee
Health Care Committee
Consumer Electronics Committee
Human Resources Committee
Peace and Justice

VKP supports the Open Court Project aiming to rid the judicial system of corruption and protect citizens’ right to a fair and public trial.

Our Senior Partner Vasil Kisil is a member of the Judicial Reform Committee with the President of Ukraine.

VKP supports the activities of:
Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum and provides free-of-charge online consultations for charitable and non-governmental organizations who, in their turn, help those in need; and
NGO “Initiative Е+” which helps children of the servicemen fighting in the area of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) and the heroes who died there.