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"Ivano-Frankivsky plant "Promprylad" PJSC

Promprylad logo

公司注册号 公司名称英文版 公司类型
"Ivano-Frankivsky plant "Promprylad"
公共股份公司 (Public Joint Stock Company)
公司地址英文版: 联系电话 联系人
23, Sakharova str.
Ivano-Frankivsk (伊万诺 - 弗兰科夫斯克)
Ukraine (乌克兰)
+380 342 75 05 82
+380 342 59 53 46
+380 342 59 54 78
+380 342 59 50 27
Kolisnyk Vyacheslav - Chairman of Board
公司网站地址 邮箱地址 显示语言种类


73102990 00 容积<50升的其他盛物容器

84219910 00 家用型过滤、净化装置用零件

84219990 00 其他过滤、净化装置用零件

90262010 10 锰铜压力计

90262010 90 其他压力、差压变送器

90262090 10 压力传感器

90268010 00 测量气体流量的仪器及装置

90268090 00 液体或气体的其他测量或检验仪器

90269000 00 液体或气体的测量或检验仪器零件

90281010 00 煤气表

90281090 00 其他气量计

Promprylad collage 1
Promprylad collage 2
Promprylad collage 3
Promprylad collage 4
Promprylad collage 5
Promprylad 19
Promprylad 20

PJSC "Ivano-Frankivsky plant "Promprylad" is up-to-date universal instrument-making enterprise. it is one of the main manufacturers of control and measuring devices in Ukraine, which are widely used in fuel and energy industry and other industries.

Material and technical base of the company, large experience in production of metering facilities and qualified personnel enable to produce up-to-date equipment and commercialise new types of products.

Product list features: devices for commercial accounting of gas, pressure sensors, displaying manometers, well manometers and thermometers for oil and gas production industry, microprocessor facilities, consumer goods, featuring umbrellas.

However the company focuses in production of industrial gas counters - turbine LG-K, rotary RG-K of various dimension types with improved operation and consumer specifications, assigned for operating with electronic correctors on temperature and pressure. It produces units for metrological support of the devices in operation.

Lately, the main types of products are gas counters of aluminium alloys LGR, gas counters G-10, G-16, G-25. All counters meet European requirements, have precise class 1, explosion-proof. Operation of the meters enable to save up to 30% of assets.

For metrological support of production and gas counters verification there was established "Turgas" testing station which became the basis for State Standard for gas volume units and volume consumption.

The company has created a dealer network in CIS and Ukraine with maintenance servicing.

Main products:
1. Gas counters:
- turbine counters LG-K, covering consumption volumes 12.5 - 2 500 m3/hour
- rotary counters RG-K, covering consumption volumes 3 - 1 000 m3/hour
All industrial counters by "Prompribor" are of 1.0 precision class and have dynamic measurement range 1:20, 1:30.
Gas counters LG-K and RG-K have output impulse signal for operating corrector-computers, explosion-proof, explosion-proof marked IЕхib11ВТ3"Х".
Gas counters LG-K and RG-K with precision class 1, have similar binding and assembling dimensions to those of RG counters of lower class that are yet in operation. Thus there is no need to process their binding when removing the obsolete ones.

2. OKVG, electronic gas volume corrector.
Assigned for operating with tachometer (turbine and rotary ones) consumption counters of natural gas and computes and conditions volume of the natural gas passed through the counter, to standard conditions.

3. FG, phase filters.
Assigned for purifying gas of dust and other solid particles.
The filters are performed both for operating with LG and RG counters of all dimension types.

4. Diaphragm stops:
DKS - chamber stops;
DVS - stops to be installed at flanges;
DBS - non-chamber stops;
The diaphragm stops are designed and produced according to the questionnaires filled in by the Customer.

5. DM, DMT, DKO pressure differential transformers
Produced for a standard pressure drop line, used to measure consumption of fluids, gases, steam and measure pressure of draft, discharge head and pressure differential.

6. SMO, SM2 piston mazout meters
Assigned for commercial accounting of non-aggressive oil products within 7.5 - 4 000 l/h.

7. Computers of heat energy quantity OTE-111.
Assigned for commercial accounting of consumed heat energy in the systems of water heating and hot-water supply.

8. Gas rotary counters G-2.5 RL, G-4RL, G-6RL.
Assigned for commercial accounting of gas consumption for individuals, establishments, municipal enterprises for expenses of 0.06 - 10 m3/hour.

9. Gas counters G-10 RGA, G-16 RGA.
Assigned for metering volume of natural gas, covering consumption of 0.3 - 40 m3/hour; precision class - 1, dynamic range of measurement is 1:30, 1:50.

10. Blocks BIK-1, BIK-300.
Assigned for taking the square root from unified current signals of direct current and to be used complete with pressure transformer (differential pressure gage). Blocks BIK-1, BIK-300 are enlisted in the list of devices allowed to operate at NPPs.

11. Blocks 22BP-36, BPS-300.
Assigned for transforming voltage of alternate current of industrial frequency into stabilised voltage of direct current for feeding current transformers and other facilities.
Blocks 22BP-36 are enlisted in the list of devices allowed to operate at NPPs.

12. Displaying manometers MP.
Assigned for metering excess pressure of aggressive fluids, gases and steam.

13. Manometers for boreholes, MSU-1, MSU-2.
Assigned for pressure registering and hydrodynamic research of layers.

14. Thermometers for boreholes TSU-1, TSU-2.
Assigned for registering temperature when carrying out hydrodynamic research of layers.

15. Thin-route microprocessor controllers "Remikont" P-130
Assigned for automated control and logic-program control of production process.

16. Logic microprocessor controllers "Lomikont" L-110, L-112, L-120, L-122.
Assigned for automated control of production process, transmission of information through interfaces to the display and printing facilities.

17. Measuring sector.
Assigned for completing gas-distributing terminals, feature gas meters LG-K-Ex, gas correctors, gas filters, pipeline sections; to customer's order we also can supply a box for locating the measuring sector.