利沃夫州 (乌克兰语:Львівська область)是乌克兰西部的一州,西接波兰。面积21,833平方公里,2006年人口2,555,834。首府利沃夫。
利沃夫州位于乌克兰西部,与波兰交界。面积21800平方公里,占全国的3.6%,人口280万,占全国的5.4%,人口密度124人/平方公里。居民以乌克兰人为主,其他民族有匈牙利人、波兰人、奥地利人、捷克人、德意志人。该州辖42个城市,20个县,1889个乡。城市人口占65%。该州首府利沃夫市是乌克兰西部最大的政治、经济、文化、教育、科技中心和交通枢纽。人口83万。该市建于10世纪,市名含义是“狮子之城”。市内有欧洲各个时期和各种风格的建筑,1998年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。 利沃夫州旅游资源丰富,有温泉疗养及滑雪胜地。该州南部为喀尔巴仟山脉,是著名旅游风景区。
利沃夫州经济较发达,其GDP占全国的比例高于人口占全国的比例。主要工业有:机械制造、石油加工、化学、轻工、电子、食品等。农业以园艺业和畜牧业为主。共有117万公顷耕地,人均0.5公顷。私营农场产值占70%,集体农庄产值占30%。 交通方便,共有铁路1250公里,公路(包括高速公路)6000公里。有三条铁路通往欧洲,还有三条石油天然气管道穿过境内,直通欧洲。 利沃夫州设有15个海关,边境贸易口岸的交通十分便捷。该州金融机构已加入国际银行结算体系,保障付款便利。在国际贸易中,该州主要进口机械设备、石油、化工产品、食品、轻纺产品等。主要贸易伙伴依次是:俄罗斯、德国、英国、波兰、奥地利、摩尔多瓦、加拿大。利沃夫州与中国直接贸易不多,但中国商品不少,主要是从其它国家如波兰的边境贸易口岸间接进口中国商品。 俄罗斯、波兰、荷兰分别在利沃夫市设有领事馆。
利沃夫自然资源 利沃夫州自然资源丰富。它不仅拥有大片肥沃的“黑土带”,而且还蕴藏着70余种矿藏资源,如沥青、无烟煤、铁、锰、铬、钛、铅、锌、铝、汞、镍和一定量的天然气和石油,其中沥青和无烟煤均占全国总储藏量的60%。顿巴斯是原苏联最大的煤田之一。已探明储量为420亿吨。克里沃罗格的铁矿储量为260亿吨,为原苏联的第2位。 利沃夫森林资源较为丰富,跨越三个植被带:森林沼泽带、森林草原带和草原带。利沃夫有自然保护区和天然国家公园,在克里木半岛南部黑海沿岸约10公里的狭长地带,具有独特的自然景观,落叶林与长绿的草地灌木丛并存。由于它优美的环境、温和的气候,使其成为世界著名旅游度假圣地之一。主要树种有:松树、柞树、云杉、冷杉、椴树、槭树、白桦树等。 利沃夫约有3万种低级和高级植物,植物资源丰富。其中,藻类植物约4000种;菌类和粘菌类植物15000种以上;苔藓类植物1000多种,导管植物4523种。利沃夫的动物资源也极其丰富,包括邻海(黑海、亚速海)领海水域在内,大约有44800种动物。
在利沃夫诸多历史遗产中,最令利沃夫人引以自豪的当属1900年建成的利沃夫歌剧与芭蕾舞剧院。它是利沃夫建筑、历史和文化最光辉的遗产,早已成为利沃夫的标志。1895年,利沃夫高等工业学校校长戈尔戈列夫斯基在众多著名欧洲建筑设计师中脱颖而出,成为利沃夫歌利沃夫夜景剧与芭蕾舞剧院的建筑设计师。因此,在利沃夫人和来自世界各地的许多参观者看来,这座气派、华丽、典雅的剧院丝毫不逊色于享誉全球的维也纳大剧院和莫斯科大剧院。 利沃夫美术学院的全称为利沃夫艺术学院,它位于乌克兰西部重镇-利沃夫市中心,利沃夫市素有小巴黎之美称,这里风景旖丽迷人,建筑风格别致,历史悠久曲折,文化兼收并蓄,不仅是东欧旅游胜地,而且是著名的人文荟萃之乡。去年,联合国教科文组织已将其确定为欧洲古都,并已开始拨款修建古建筑。利沃夫艺术学院创办于1876年,历史悠久,文化底蕴丰厚。其特点有二:一是教学富有特色,实用装饰美术和设计艺术等专业独领风骚,享誉世界;二是地理和文化优势明显,与东欧及西欧诸国交往频繁密切,利于兼收并蓄,扬长避短。
利沃夫有文字记载的历史可以追溯到13世纪,当时它是基辅罗斯的一个公国。1256年,哈里奇波里尼大公达尼罗以其儿子列夫的名字命名兴建了一座城镇,它就是利沃夫。利沃夫历经沧桑,几易国别。14世纪归波兰管辖,1772年隶属奥地利,1918年又回到波兰,1939年最终回归乌克兰。在利沃夫建城后的几个世纪里,乌克兰人长期同波兰人、奥地利人、德国人、匈牙利人、意大利人、法国人、希腊人和犹太人等共同生活在这片土地上,利沃夫也逐步发展成为西乌克兰的中心城市。与此同时,欧洲其他民族亦将本民族的文化、艺术、传统与宗教带到了利沃夫,得天独厚的条件使利沃夫集中融合了中东欧和西欧国家厚重的历史积淀。因此,利沃夫的建筑兼有哥特式与巴洛克式、文艺复兴式与罗马式的风格就不足为奇了。当你在排列着巴洛克式教堂的利沃夫老城区漫步时,就仿佛置身于某座西欧古城。从这个意义上说,利沃夫也可称为一个浓缩的“小欧洲”了。 古老的市场广场是利沃夫悠久历史的见证。这里是利沃夫的老城区,曾是利沃夫上流社会阶层世代居住的地方,周围环绕着利沃夫建城以来风格各异的历史建筑,其中大都镶嵌和装饰着不同造型的雕塑。广场的东北角是利沃夫历史博物馆,这是16世纪文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,被称为“黑石之家”。与历史博物馆并排的是展示中世纪家具和陶器的博物馆。而建于1735年的利沃夫最古老的药店博物馆则与历史博物馆隔街相望。历史博物馆的东侧是多米尼加教堂,它具有典型的18世纪巴洛克式建筑风格。广场西南角是一座建于14—15世纪波兰时代的罗马天主教大教堂,这里如今已成为乌克兰天主教总部,是乌克兰人心目中的“精神支柱”。 在利沃夫诸多历史遗产中,最令利沃夫人引以自豪的当属1900年建成的利沃夫歌剧与芭蕾舞剧院。它是利沃夫建筑、历史和文化最光辉的遗产,早已成为利沃夫的标志。1895年,利沃夫高等工业学校校长戈尔戈列夫斯基在众多著名欧洲建筑设计师中脱颖而出,成为利沃夫歌剧与芭蕾舞剧院的建筑设计师。因此,在利沃夫人和来自世界各地的许多参观者看来,这座气派、华丽、典雅的剧院丝毫不逊色于享誉全球的维也纳大剧院和莫斯科大剧院。 来利沃夫之前,利沃夫人只讲乌克兰语,不说俄语。语言问题折射出乌克兰东西部地区的主要差异。1991年独立后,乌政府将乌克兰语定为官方语言,俄语则相应地失去了官方语言的地位。但在宪法中是否确立俄语为第二官方语言,一直是乌各界争论的一个议题。现在,在乌官方文件、出版物、一些报纸和网站中早已见不到俄语。在正式场合,乌官员也大都只讲乌克兰语。但在老百姓当中,俄语却仍被广泛使用。特别是在受俄影响较深的乌东部地区甚至首都基辅,人们大都还是操着俄语进行交流,这似代表了一种更开放、包容的姿态。但记者刚踏上利沃夫的土地,一下就被乌克兰语紧紧包围,倒像是才来到纯粹的“乌克兰”。利沃夫人只讲乌克兰语确是事实。在利沃夫人看来,乌克兰人有自己本民族的语言,就应该只说乌克兰语。真不知这是一种民族自豪感,还是一种民族狭隘意识。不过,热情好客、朴实真挚的利沃夫人对我们这些会说俄语、不懂乌克兰语的外国人还是宽容、友好的。初到利沃夫,问路自是常事。有好几次,记者都是在当地人义务引领下到达目的地的。利沃夫人的热情可见一斑。
如今,博物馆拥有大约83000种展品,其中的一些展品由于大厅里没有足够的空间摆放而被收藏起来。实际上博物馆的古式家具,陶器,玻璃制品,盘子和茶具在一个地方展出,而人工艺术品在另一个地方展出。最近一个新的民族文化研究中心乌克兰科学院国家文化研究院成立。研究院的领导,Stepan Pavlyuk,是一个年轻健壮有事业心的哲学博士。研究员与博物馆紧密合作,组织考察工作,收集有民族特点的古董、艺术品和手工艺品,派遣研究员和民族学者去各种地方记下民间传说和民歌。
Lviv Region is situated in south-western outskirts of the East-European plain and western part of the Northern macroslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians. There are five natural districts on its territory such as mountain Carpathians on the south, adjoining to it Pre-Carpathians sublimity, Podil plateau in the central part, and Small Polissya and Volyn sublimity in the north. The main European watershed between the basins of the Baltic and Black seas passes through territory of the region.
Lviv Region borders with five regions of Ukraine and Republic Poland. The area of Lviv Region is 21.8 thousand square km or 3.6% of general territory of Ukraine. The number of population is 2.611 million people, including 59.5% is in cities and 40.5% in villages.
Lviv Region is rich in minerals as anthracite coal, natural gas, oil, sulphur, peat, ozokerite, kitchen and potassium salts, raw material for production of cement, limestones and slates, marl, building and fire-clays and others. The special riches are the large supplies of medical mineral waters and on their base the famous Ukrainian resorts are functioning.
Lviv Region is highly-developed industrial region of Ukraine. The food industry and processing of agricultural raw material, machine-building, chemical and petrochemical, cellulose-paper, printing industry and publishing business are the leading spheres of the regional industry. In the region there are manufactured 100% of state volumes of newsprint paper, dolites and autoloaders, more than 98% of lighting electric lamps, almost 80% of motor-car cranes and more than 27% of buses.
The production of industrial goods in majority of industries is increased every year. The comparison of results of the first half-year of 2003 with the results of the proper period of last year testifies to it. The enterprises of the light industry extended the production volume by 6%. The JV "Vesna", JSC "Mayak", JCS "Sewing Enterprise "Svitanok", JSC "Sewing Factory "Stritex", JSC "Drogobych Sewing Enterprise "Zorya" and JV "Laura" increased their production indexes. The production growth of linen fabrics made 22.6% as well as legwear by 28.8%, linen knitted fabric by 8.6% and the like.
The enterprises of wood working and wood wares increased the production of goods by 1.6 times. In particular, the production of wood shaving plates has been increased by 2.2 times. The JV "Krono-Lviv" (growth by 4.4 times) and LLC "Euroshpon" (growth by 41.8%) are leaders among this group of enterprises. The production of saw-timbers has been increased by 3.4% as well as parquet – by 23.3%.
The production volumes of cellulose-paper, printing industry and publishing business have been increased by 17.5%. The Zhydachiv Cellulose-Paper Works "Dunapack-Ukraine" LLC and Plant of Paper-Cardboard Goods "Biblos" JSC extended their production volumes. In particular, the production of copybooks has been increased by more than 9 times as well as cardboard by 39.7% and paper by 4%.
The enterprises on production of oil-refining products made the growth of manufacturing volumes of 5.1% as well as chemical and petrochemical industry – 9.6% and machine-building – 8.5%. For example, the Striy Railway-Car Repair Works extended the production volumes by 96.5% as well as JSC "LAZ" by 43.1% and JSC "Avtonavantazhuvach" by 82.4%. There was produced more cement (growth of 20.3%), ceramic tile for facing of walls and floors (3.5 and 17.8% respectively) and the like. The production and distributing of electric power, water and gas has been increased by 11.7%. In some industries the reduction of production volumes is explained by not decline, but updating. So, there were produced less consumer goods, because the enterprises of this industry substituted their technology and range by the initiative of it proprietors. For the first half-year of 2003 the regional industrial enterprises mastered 1028 names of new products and the growth made 2.2% by comparison with the proper period of 2002.
Lviv Region is the land with favourable factors for development of modern agrarian production. The natural conditions with moderate continental climate assist to development of field-crop cultivation (most lands (almost 800 thousand items with more than 1.27 million hectares is covered by plough-land), milk and meat cattle breeding, forestry, beekeeping and the like.
For the first half of 2003 the construction enterprises of all forms of property executed the contract works to the amount of 349 million hryvna that is by 25.9% higher than for the proper period of previous year.
Lviv Region has the well-developed transport network. The international railways to the capitals of many European countries such as Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Buharest, Warsaw, Moscow, Prague and Sophia pass through its territory. The motor roads connect the settlements of the region with Central and Southern Europe, Baltic States and Russia. In January-June, 2003 the transport enterprises of Lviv Region carried 13,8 million tons of freight that is by 22.2% higher than for January-June, 2002. The railway carried 12.3 million tons of freight that is by 28.5% higher than for the previous year. The volume of the supplied ferrous metals has been extended twice as well as oil and oil products by 1,9 times, chemical and mineral fertilizers by 49.4% and cement by 29.9%. The motor transport enterprises in January-June, 2003 carried 1,5 million tons of freight that is by 12.3% less than in January-June, 2002. The goods turnover is by 18.1% less than in January-June, 2002. The aviation enterprises increased the volume of the transported freight by 11%, but the goods turnover has been decreased by 14.8%.
The enterprises of Lviv Region have the good business contacts with almost one hundred countries of the world. In particular, in the regional trade structure (in January-May, 2003 with 67 countries against 65 for the proper period of last year) the main partners of the region are Russia, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Great Britain, Italy and Denmark. By data of the State Custom Service of Ukraine, the regional foreign trade turnover for the first half of 2003 made USD 1231,3 million that exceeds the proper index of 2002 by more than three times. The major articles of export are textile, transport vehicles, industrial equipment and devices, wood and wood wares, commodities of light industry and products of agroindustrial complex.
From the beginning of process of privatization 8565 enterprises changed their form of property, including 7495 objects of so called small privatization, 482 objects of large privatization, 263 objects of non completed construction in the region and the like. By the number of privatised enterprises of municipal form of property Lviv Region takes the first place in Ukraine as well as second place among regions by the general number of privatised objects.
One of activities of the regional executive authorities is improving business activity of small entrepreneurship. There was developed and accepted the proper regional programme and programmes of city and district councils for 2003-2004. The simplified procedure of registration of own business has been introduced, in particular, so called «one office» was opened in all districts and cities of the region. This is an office, where full complex of necessary documents is registered. The unemployed people are widely attracted to the business activity. The information-reference boards are placed in every base center of employment and for starting business activity the unemployed people of Lviv Region obtained the help to the amount of 430 thousand hryvna; the seminars are conducted for them; the studies of bases of new professions are organized. In the first half-year of 2003 this course of studies was passed by more than 2000 persons. For the same period more than 7000 subjects of business activity were registered.
For the first half of 2003 Lviv Region directed 1028.9 million hryvna to the Aggregate and State budgets that is by 18.7% higher by comparison with the proper period of 2002 and even with the forecast sum. The arrears of payments to the budget as of July 1, 2003 appeared low by comparison with beginning of the year by 5.6%.
Lviv is the prominent center of education, fundamental and branch sciences. Here the Western center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is placed and it co-ordinates the research activity of surrounding regions. Besides, there are many higher educational establishments, including the Ivan Franko University, founded in 1661 and conservatory in Lviv and others.
The most Ukrainian network of establishments of culture and art has been historically formed in the region. There are only 12 unique museums with the collections of works of fine art well-known all over the world in the regional center (15% of general museum fund exhibits of our country). The architecture of Lviv is impressed greatly, in particular, such pearls, as cathedral in the gothic style of XIV-XV centuries with the renaissance choirs of Boyim and Kampian, Saint George Cathedral, Three Prelates Chapel, so called Black Kamyanytsya in the Renaissance style and many temples. Lviv is one of those cities of Ukraine, where beginning from XV century the fraternities – the national-religious educational organizations with schools, collegiums and printing-houses were created. In the printing-house at the Lviv Fraternity famous Ivan Fedorov published the first Slavic "Alphabet" in 1574.
Variety of natural conditions, riches of resources and convenient geographical location on crossing of the European transport corridors creates pre-conditions for subsequent development of tourism and organization of rest. And the powerful economic, research and cultural potential, providing all spheres of social-economic and spiritual life with highly skilled specialists puts Lviv Region into the leading place in Ukraine.