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Hebei Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Co., Ltd

Monband logo

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Hebei Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Co.,Ltd
Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю
Адреса для листування: Номери контактних телефонів Контактні особи
68 Crown Road
Xinzhaidian Industrial zone
Shijiazhuang (місто Шицзячжуан)
Hebei (провінція Хебей)
+86 13503335236
Yao Lingyun (姚岭雲)
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3104 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi, калiйнi:

3105 Добрива мiнеральнi або хiмiчнi із вмiстом двох чи трьох поживних елементiв: азоту, фосфору та калiю; iншi добрива; товари цiєї групи у таблетках чи аналогiчних формах або в упаковках масою брутто не бiльш як 10 кг:
861 Послуги, які стосуються сільського господарства, мисливства, лісового господарства і рибальства
Monband P1
Monband P2
Monband P4
Monband P5
Monband P6
Monband P3Monband P7
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0701 Картопля, свiжа або охолоджена:

0702 Помiдори, свiжi або охолодженi

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0704 Капуста головчаста, капуста цвiтна, капуста броколi, кольрабі, капуста листова та аналогiчнi їстiвнi овочi роду Вrassica, свiжi або охолодженi:

0705 Салат-латук (Lactuca sativa) і цикорiй (Cichorium spp.), свiжi або охолодженi:

0706 Морква, рiпа, столовi буряки, солодкий корiнь, редька, селера коренева та аналогiчнi їстiвнi коренеплоди, свiжi або охолодженi:

0707 Огiрки, корнiшони, свiжi або охолодженi:

0708 Бобовi овочi, лущенi або нелущені, свiжi або охолодженi:
861 Послуги, які стосуються сільського господарства, мисливства, лісового господарства і рибальства
Про компанію
Hebei Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Co.,Ltd, is a subsidiary company of Jitai Group. Jitai Group Started from Hebei Jitai Agricultural Service Co established in 1995. In recent years, Jitai Group cooperated with many well-known enterprises like DUPON, BAYER, BASF, SQM, and acted as their agent in some specific regions. With a rapid development, Jitai Group has become a group company combing pesticide synthesis, soluble fertilizers, pesticide sales, food staff production. MAY, 2009, Monband registered successfully. 2010, Monband began to produce foliar fertilizers, macro element, secondary and trace element water soluble fertilizers, containing HA water soluble fertilizers and containing AA water soluble fertilizers.

Monband Vision
Our Vision is: creating a happy ife, realizing life values,being a respectful water soluble fertilizer enterprise.
Taking: Let's start, for you, for me and for agriculture as our mission. Monband aims to creat a series of global water soluble fertilizer services.

Monband Strategy
Since 2009, Monband have been keeping a rarly developing speed. Now Monband products have been used in Europe, South Asia, Mid-east, Africa, America, beyond 80 countries. Our products have been helping more and more famers, agriculture, making them live a happy life.

What we do
Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Co.,ltd is the first company in the name of “ water soluble fertilizer”. We are specialized in water soluble fertilizers including water soluble NPK, MAP12-61-00, Calcium Nitrate, MKP 0-52-34, Ammonium Sulphate (Steel Grade and Capro Grade), ASN, SOP, Potassium nitrate, Magnesium Sulphate, Humic Potassium...
Now, with the rapid development, The yearly output approximates MKP-30000mt, NPK-100000mt, Calcium Nitrate-60000mt, teach grade MAP-60000MT...

Monband's vast experience and national patents in the field of water soluble fertilizer  has been accumulated by large numbers of field trials, by the company's professional staff  and first-class R&D laboratory. Nowadays, Monband has worked together with many Chinese and foreigners, research institutes and leading experts. Therefore, it has absorbed and mixed the latest research results both at home and aboard.

Alongside the development and production of high-quality products, Monband has been actively involved in the development of special products according to our esteemed clients. In accordance with our latest research results, we bring you perfect products presentations and videos regarding the most updated researching works, enabling you to make the best use of
Monband's products.

Monband Culture
Just like most companies, Monband also has our company culture. This culture is not only some simple sentences. It is our working principle. We always take: Let’s Start, for you, for me, and for agriculture as our mission.

Working Theme: Increasing efficiency, cost reduction, fine management.
Guiding ideology: Innovation, seizing opportunity, steady development.
Company Vision: Building better life, Realizing life value, Creating respected enterprise.

Monband Culture also a bridge culture. Monband is located in Zhao County. There is a bridge—— Zhao-Zhou Bridge, the oldest stone arch bridge in China as well as in the world, was built one thousand and four hundred years ago. This is bridge looks like you and me. We shake our hands to realize win-win relations.

Monband Culture still a religion culture. Buddhism has a long time history in China. One of the most famous temples in China, the Bailin temple,was initiated in Han dynasty, spreading the Buddhist culture as well as Chinese cultural continually more than thousand years. Monband people are honest people. We will treat every people as our whole life friends.

Where We operate
Domestically, the markets are mainly located in Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Shanxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, the Shanganning Border Region, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and other provinces and cities. Water soluble fertilizers in these areas are mainly applied to cash crops and, through higher yields and incomes, bring considerable economic benefits to the farmers using these products. In addition, Monband also participates in government tenders, thus assisting the government in meeting its water soluble fertilizer procurement goals.

Export markets for our products include France, Spain, Britain, America, Canada,India, Brazil, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, Jordan, Southeast Asia, Dubai, and the Middle East...; in total, we have supplied more than 50 countries and regions with our products. Global importers include large-scale international water soluble fertilizer factories and traders.
Monband collage