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Shandong Wuzheng Group

Wuzheng logo

Реєстраційний номер Назва компанії Тип компанії
Shandong Wuzheng Group Co. Ltd
Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю

Wuzheng 0

Адреса для листування: Номери контактних телефонів Контактні особи
.139 Linyi Road North
Donggang District
Rizhao City
Shandong Province
+86 0633 7799177

Wuzheng 1

Wuzheng B 2 1

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англійська, китайська

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Wuzheng 3

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Пропозиції товарів для експорту з Китаю

8701 Трактори:

8704 Моторні транспортні засоби для перевезення вантажів:

8711 Мотоцикли (включаючи мопеди) та велосипеди з допомiжним двигуном, з колясками або без них; коляски:

Сільськогосподарська техніка (трактори, сільськогосподарський триколісний автомобіль, електричний трицикл, легка вантажівка)

Wuzheng 4

Про компанію
The Wuzheng Group (Shandong Wuzheng Group Co. Ltd) is an established automotive and agricultural industry leader in China with annual world-wide sales of more than $2.3 billion USD.

It is one of China’s largest automotive and agricultural operations designing, building and selling agricultural equipment, light-to-medium duty trucks and three-wheel farm vehicles in China and exporting them to 43 countries around the world.

The Wuzheng Group is made up of three companies:

TS tractors – tractors
WAW – light-to-medium duty trucks
Wuzheng – agriculture equipment and three wheel farm vehicles

Export markets include Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Russia and Vietnam.

The Wuzheng Group began in 1961 as a state enterprise for ownership and maintenance of agricultural machinery in Wulian – atown located in the Shandong Province.

Today, Wuzheng’s headquarters are in the city of Rizhao in Shandong and it currently employs over 11,000 staff world-wide. It has 11 production facilities and a major R&D Centre in Rizhao city and one assembly line in Mauritania, Africa.

In 2013, the Wuzheng Group sold over 452,000 units making it one of the top-selling automotive and agricultural manufacturers in China.

Wuzheng is pronounced “Wu Jung” and, translated broadly from Chinese to English, means “explorer”.

Our Core Values

For more than 50 years, we have been governed by our core values. They shape our culture and define our company. Our core values are: honesty, cooperation, innovation and excellence. By following our core values, we will exceed customer expectations, contribute to our community and develop our future leaders.

Honesty is the core of our business. We believe in always being honest with our customers, distributors, employees and vendors. This means we deliver on our promise of affordable, efficient and durable trucks, tractors and multi-purpose vehicles.

We believe effective cooperation is the key to sustaining our present and growing our future.

We align our Research & Development activities with our business strategy. We are constantly exploring new practices and technologies.

We strive for excellence in all aspects of our business. This gives us a great sense of pride in who we are and what we believe in.

Our History
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